The perfect slaves are those who can be persuaded to serve the state against their own best interest.
Long ago the social alchemists developed the art of propaganda. They discovered that persuasion as a system of enslavement is far superior to the rack and the thumbscrew.
If the people imagine that they are free, all sorts of crimes by the political system can be imposed, without protest, upon the people. It is an invisible armed guard. We don’t need armed guards because we are programmed with persuasive wordsmithing.
For 100 years or more, the public education system has used these words to help teach a false history — when it has taught history at all — of America, its founding, its system and its relationship to other autocratic, authoritarian systems.
It has operated in a symbiotic relationship with the controlled media to create a very carefully and deliberately prescribed thought system which subverts the population to think and act in perfect harmony with the system.
Once the masses are manipulated into conformity and they are in full mental submission, they themselves enforce conformity. The inmates are in charge of the jail… the perfect crime.
Another way to put it is that the inmates love their captivity and they love “big brother.” They and “big brother” (the government) are of ONE MIND! There is no dissent. All are ONE! This is the ultimate goal of the New World Order.
The spirit of subterfuge has become good and good has become evil.
Over time this dumbing down system has created generations of people without knowledge and the ability to follow logic and reason.
As Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to Richard Price in 1789, “Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.”
Is this true any longer? Are we informed enough? Can we liberty lovers retake our country from the woke, progressive cancel culture warriors?
It is difficult, with the ever-widening divide between the statist elected class and its enforcers (government) and woke slaves, and us “deplorables.”
Any red state resident of flyover country prefers to go about their daily business without interaction with or interference from anyone in or representing government. That is because government on almost all levels is at best oppressive, intrusive, unsympathetic and autonomic. The woke crowd wants government control in every instance.
Resistance to government overreach sparked the rise of the Tea Party, a disparate group of patriotic small-business owners, blue- and white-collar workers, military veterans, homemakers and retirees who opposed first huge bailouts then the monstrosity of legislation that came to be known as Obamacare, then other oppressive and unConstitutional government actions.
The Tea Party was initially successful in removing some of the old guard of the elected class and installing some of their own in government. Though some of the newly elected lawmakers turned out to be wolves in sheep’s clothing, many of the Tea Party-backed Congressional candidates continued to work to disrupt the old guard party apparatus and attempt to reign in big government, much to the chagrin of the statists.
The elected elites responded to the rise of the Tea Party with slander and special targeting by several government agencies like the Internal Revenue Service and the Environmental Protection Agency, and eventually, the establishment GOP crushed the Tea party under its boot.
The constant chaos and crisis-mode governance are both symptoms and expediters of eventual collapse. As the collapse intensifies, the statists and progressives will intensify their oppression. The divide between the people and the elected class and their enforcers will continue to grow.
The collapse will be ugly, especially for those who — blinded by normalcy bias or just ignorance — aren’t prepared. Once we come through the fire, then, I believe, Constitutional governance can be restored.
So what can we do to preserve our freedoms?
- First, stop thinking conventional thoughts. They are not your own. If you will digest completely what we write and present to you, you will be catapulted into the real world. You will not spend your life off point.
- Break the pattern of programmed thought. If not, you may hold erroneous beliefs for years without question. Where there is conformity, there is control.
- Don’t get caught up in facile arguments about socialism vs. fascism, left wing vs. right wing. They are all top-down distractions and anathema to life and liberty and property.
- Maintain your individual consciousness and beliefs. The more the individual is diminished into crowd consciousness, the easier to develop the psyche of self-sacrifice to the state. Self-sacrifice means a willingness to surrender your rights for some fictional notion of “safety,” die in foreign wars or a willingness to transfer your labor and wealth to the government under the fiction of income tax, Social Security tax, or inheritance tax. All governments use this psychological phenomenon to their advantage.
- Remain in open conflict with authority and continue to question everything. The more the public mind conforms and the more the people and the government become one. Any “deviant” or “divergent” who questions authority is sure to encounter a hostile response from his friends and neighbors. Don’t we see this is the essence of cancel culture?
Human liberty can only exist or be restored with an accurate perception of reality. Mind distorting fictions of government must always be exposed. To do otherwise is to keep us dependent on an ivory tower mysticism based on lies and the duplicity of politicians and bureaucrats.
Bob Livingston