Rumble — Doug talks to Tony Heller, “climate change” debunker and scientist

Doug Truax: Welcome to the First Right Podcast a weekly conservative new show brought to you by Restoration PAC. I’m Doug Truax, Founder, and President of Restoration PAC. Today we are blessed to have a guest that we’ve wanted to talk to for some time. Tony Heller is perhaps the nation’s most influential climate change to bunker. Tony is an incredibly accomplished guy who does all this without any corporate or big money support. Well, Hi Tony. Thanks so much for coming on.

Tony Heller: Yeah. Hi, it’s great to be here.

DT: It’s great to have you here. So you’ve got this really interesting background, a geologist electrical engineer, master debugger, originally a, climate, global warming believer until you dug into everything. So it’s really helpful. Just, just give our viewers a quick summary of your background and kind of how you got to where you are today.

TH: Yeah, I started out as a geologist, um, out of college. Got my degree in geology. Um, did quite a few interesting projects at Los Alamos labs on volcano research. Um, I did nuclear waste disposal, geothermal energy, quite, quite a few different things, but I realized after a few years when the price of oil crashed in the early 1980s, that geology was kind of a hopeless profession. So went off and did other things. I worked as a wilderness ranger for the forest service taught school, and public and private schools for a number of years.

TH: Then I went back to college, got, studied computer science in Northern Arizona university. Then I went to Rice University, got a master’s in electrical engineering. And I worked on microprocessor design for many years and then branched out into graphics, um, got into software eventually, but my passion has always been science. So on the side I was, I was always interested in global warming. I was introduced to it by my boss at Los Alamos around 1980, and I was a true believer in it. And in 2001, they were, I was living in Colorado and we were having a terrible drought and I was coaching soccer in the city of Longmont, shut down the soccer fields. So I went to a city council meeting and told them, look with this global warming thing going on. This drought’s just going to get worse. So you might as well just accept the fact that the fields are going to be in bad shape from now on let the kids play, you know, kids in Brazil plan and, you know, asphalt or dirt, and they’ve got great players. So they listened, they believed me and they opened up several soccer fields. So we were able to have her soccer matches, um, that year.And then of course the drought ended and, and over the next few years I started realizing that the trends were not going the direction they were supposed to Colorado was getting much wetter, um, and greener and getting a lot more snow. So I started looking into it and I, and I was horrified at what I saw about how the data was being handled by government agencies like NASA and NOAA. They were, they were abusing the data very badly. So I looked into it more and more. I just came to realize quickly that the total global warming thing was a huge propaganda campaign. And I became interested. Why? So it’s been my passion. I had been working most of the time since then, but, I was probably been putting in, you know, average of six to 12 hours a day on this for the past 14 years and uncovered all kinds of astounding stuff. Now I realize the things, just a giant scam. You know, the things you hear now about global warming don’t have anything to do with the reality. I got to know some very famous scientists like, Dr. Bill gray at Colorado State University, who is the leading, tropical meteorologist in the world. And also the guy who invented modern hurricane forecasting. And the horror stories, He told me about how he was mistreated by Al Gore. In 1993, when Al Gore became Vice President and he invited Dr. Gray to a global warming conference in DC and Dr. Gray responded, he’d be happy to come to the conference, but he does not believe her in Gore’s theories. And he got his funding cut off. He’d gotten money from NOAA every, every year, since the 1960s. And then he got his funding cut off, never got another penny out of the government, and this is how they control the academic community. Everyone in the academic community knows that if you want to get government grants, you have to go along. And tow the line in, and there’s only a few people who are bold or honest enough, or brave enough and have the ability financially to do it. Unfortunately, Dr. Gray was one of those. So he wasn’t in, he was an incredible influence on me right up until his death five years ago. And, um, he’s sorely missed. He was, he was in a giant of a man in every way. He was originally wanted to be a baseball player for the Washington baseball team, but he suffered a knee injury in high school and then ended up having to be a meteorologist and stuff well much to our benefit and much to yours.

DT: And you have, uh, you have picked up where he left off in many ways, I suppose. And I got to tell you, I just I mentioned this to you before we started, how much I love the videos and, and any time I’m with somebody and we get into this climate piece, I always begin with, “so there’s this guy, Tony Heller. And he has these great charts and these great videos.” And let me explain some of it to you. And so I don’t, you know, I paraphrase and do my best, but here we have you. So, so having said all that, we’re going to let you in eight different charts. I got some slides we’ll be running through, right, right. Quick here. And, uh, we’ll, we’ll keep going through them. As we discuss this, we’re going to have you describe in eight charts, how this whole climate change thing is a fraud. So let’s begin, this first one, uh, kick us off Tony.

TH: Yeah, this one’s my favorite. Um, this is a graph of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels measured at the Mauna LOA observatory in Hawaii, which is a very good location. It’s at high altitude. It’s, it’s in the middle of the ocean. It’s far away from any cities. So it’s fairly accurate record of carbon dioxide levels. It goes back to 1960 and you can see how, um, the levels have been increasing over the past 60 years. Um, and, and increasing an upwards. It’s an exponential curve upwards. And I’ve annotated on the graph. The red, the red annotations are mine. Um, all of the different climate agreements, going back to the Rio agreement 30 years ago, it’s every year governments get together and they have these big climate meetings and they may call these big promises to cut back on CO2, but they’ve done nothing. They’ve accomplished nothing. They, the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have continued to increase at an accelerating pace. And even the lockdown last year had no impact on the growth of CO2. So all these meetings they’re having and they get together and they, they talk about saving the planet. It’s, it’s garbage, they’re not doing anything. And they’re just having boondoggles and nice places. It gives them good publicity. Gives them political cover. They say, they’re solving this climate crisis, but they’re accomplishing absolutely nothing.

DT: It goes back to what you said a little bit ago about the funding.


DT: And towing the line. And you know, we, around here, we call it big green and it’s a massive thing now. And you got to, if you’re going to participate and get your dollars, you know, you gotta, you gotta bend the knee, you know? And so that’s what some of this is too. So, all right, let’s go to the next slide.

TH: Yeah. This graph shows, energy the proportion of energy being used by the world by different types. And you can see that coal oil and natural gas have increased tremendously and race in years. You know, we hear all this propaganda that fossil fuels are being replaced, but the exact opposite is happening. But if you look at the very top, there’s a very narrow slice for renewables, which have hardly made any progress at all in recent years, you know, maybe add from 1% up to 3%. So 97% of the world’s energy supply is not coming from renewables. It’s coming from other sources, yet we constantly hear. This propaganda, that renewables are going to power the world. You know, we’re going to be able to power the world with wind and solar, and it’s complete nonsense. It’s only producing 3%. If they’re successful in shutting down fossil fuels like Joe Biden says would be a huge catastrophe. Literally billions of people would be dead in a matter of a few months because we depend on other energy sources to survive. You know, and we saw that in Texas, in February, their wind turbines froze up. They hadn’t maintained their fossil fuel infrastructure properly. Huge amounts of people were without, without power. They didn’t have electricity. The gas lines froze up and they’ve been building all of these lots of all electric houses recently. And in many places they’re mandating that all electric.So when the power grid goes down, people are going to freeze and the, their government policies are leading us towards disaster. And it’s based on a completely false belief that, that renewables are making a lot of progress and that they can successfully power the country and power the earth. And they can’t, they’re not reliable, you know, when it gets really cold or when it gets really hot, renewables tend to fail right at the worst possible times and Texas proved that in a very dramatic and deadly fashion, now last February.

DT: Right!

TH: You need the fossil fuels for reliability.

DT: Right! It’s just become like a big marketing ploy, almost in the subsidies and everything, again, back to the funding and the money and all that stuff. And then all the talk about what we’re going to help the world. Well, you’re not going to help, you know, India and some of these other countries that were, Hey, go to solar panels. It’s not going to happen. They, they gotta, they gotta develop, like we developed and we gotta be smart about it, but this is, you know, it’s fantasy land to talk that way. So I totally get it. All right, let’s go to the next slide then.

TH: So yeah, so this is shows on the left is Arctic Sea ICE. This one, these, these maps are the national snow and ice data center in Boulder chose Arctic Sea Ice on January 4th, 1991.
And the, and the one on the right shows January 4th, this year, you can see there’s essentially no difference. We have the same extent of Arctic ice. We had 30 years ago. So we ever every day in the news, if you, if you do a Google search for Arctic ice melt and you see the Arctic ice has disappeared, the polar bears are drowning, but it’s not true.

DT: Right!

TH: There’s, there’s been no trend in Arctic sea ice over the last 15 years there wasn’t there wasn’t, there was a downward trend for awhile, but right now today, Arctic sea ice extent is the highest it’s been for 18 years for this state.

DT: Right. Again, the mass marketing and people just believing it. Uh, and, uh, here’s the truth. Okay. So this is great. Next slide.

TH: Okay. Yeah. So this is CO2 emissions, relative the relative change in CO2 emissions by China and the United States. And you can see the United States has been flat. It’s actually down. It’s been going down for the last 20 years, but China’s emissions are skyrocketing. So we always hear, you know, we hear these claims from Democrats that we can control the climate. You know, if we cut back our CO2 emissions, um, you know, we can save the us has nothing to do with it. We’re we’re we only produce about 15% of CO2 emissions. China has got is their usages. Their production is greatly increasing. They’re massively increasing their, their usage of coal. They’re building hundreds of new coal-fired power plants. So the United States could disappear off the face of the earth, and it would have no impact on either CO2 emissions, indefinitely, no impact on climate. And John Kerry admitted this. He said that the U.S. doesn’t control it. And without having China and Asia on board, the United States can’t accomplish anything.

DT: So once again, it’s just a scam and we see so many of these leftists, they know this is true, but they’re so afraid of the Chinese. And then they won’t even admit that we’re doing a great job of it. Uh, it’s just, yeah, it’s so frustrating to watch this happen. And, uh, you know, we’re living through it right now with COVID don’t wanna upset the Chinese. So, you know, it’s like, okay, that’s crazy. All right. Uh, moving on here to the next. Now we’re going to really start getting into how this is kind of how the, the mechanics of this, how they’re perpetuating this fraud.

TH: Yeah. So there’s, this graph shows United after this graph shows daily and average daily maximum temperatures for the United States going back a hundred years. And you can see there’s been a downwards trend. The hottest years in the United States were during the 1930s, by far during the dust bowl, it was so hot and dry in the Great Plains and millions of people fled the great Plains and moved to California, which John Steinbeck wrote about in the Grapes of wrath. Unfortunately, high school kids don’t read that anymore. So they don’t know that part of history, the United States was much hotter 90 years ago. And temperatures have been trending downwards as a chosen the graph since then.

DT: Yeah, absolutely. That’s the reality of it right there. And then we’re going to get into, so this is also the, um, that was the day to day data, which is the most accurate that you’ve said before. It’s like, you have to look at what happens on a day-to-day basis as opposed to this, you know, when they start extrapolating into the months and the years and things like that.

TH: Right. Well, yeah. Could you go back to the other graph for, for just, okay, so this is the actual measure, temperature data, right? This is all, this is all from NOAA. This is publicly available data, and it’s, they’ve got about a little more, almost 1300 stations, um, in the United States. And this is their actual measure data, but the next slide is the data they relate to the public. What they do is they alter it before they release it to the public. So what they do is they tamper with the data and they turn that cooling trend into a longterm warming trend and it’s fake. So this is what the public sees. They see this, oh, wow, we’re heating up really fast in this hockey stick. But the data is fake. The actual data shows that we’re cooling and they don’t tell people about it. They don’t tell people they’re manipulating it. So people look at their graphs and they say, wow, this is the government. This is what the thermometer show, but it’s not what the thermometers show. The thermometer show that the United States has been cooling in the United. And the reason the United States data is extremely important because we have, by far the best long-term temperature data in the world, um, we’ve had a very stable society, at least until recently, for, for the know, for the past 125 years, there weren’t any wars fought in the United States. So there was great disruptions in other countries due to wars, but the United States, we got this wonderful day-to-day temperature record, which just doesn’t exist in very many other places. You know, there’s a few other countries that have very good records like Germany, Japan, and parts of Australia. But for the most part, there’s a huge void over most of the planet. So the United States temperature record is critical. It shows cooling and they manipulate it to show warming, which is the story which the government agencies want to present.

DT: Yeah. And I think that’s the really interesting point that you made is that, that daily graph that’s NOAA, that’s that, you know, it’s not you making this up. This is from the government readings of the stations. And I remember watching a video of yours too, where you kind of got into this, you know, the manipulation relative to, there’s been a decrease in stations. And so they take what would have been as a station previously. It’s not there anymore, but they insert their modeling onto that one that doesn’t exist. And that’s how they’re starting to get it to go up.

TH: Right.

DT: Am I remembering that correctly?

TH: Yeah, that’s correct. So what they, they’ve lost about one third of their data since the late 1980s. I don’t understand why, but stations are disappearing and some slight of stations don’t report every month. And so what I’ve seen is that the, all of the warming they’re creating in the over the last 40 years has been de to just making up fake data for those missing stations. They report data for every months wehether for all 1,281 stations, whether there was any actual data or not. And this data is, and for the stations that didn’t report it’s fake. And actually in recent years, it’s almost half of the data is fake at this point. Yeah.

DT: Yeah. That’s right. So they’re taking data that doesn’t exist because they’re not getting it in from certain stations and there, and being like, well, you know what, if we did get it in based on what we believe, this is what we think the temperature would be. And then there you go. And then they show that graph to everybody. So it’s like, they’re building the lie into the data. That’s, they’re extrapolating their lie into the larger data set. When the, when the smallest one, the most accurate one is relatively flat.

TH: Yeah. Well, it’s downwards actually right down with the idea of the actual data’s down. Whereas, but they, they make, they, they assume that everything’s warming half of the data is fake. So they just create this fake warming trend, which does not exist the whole thing’s a total fraud.

DT: Yeah. Well, again, thank you for doing this. So, I’m really, I was really, I knew this was a fraud and then I came across your stuff and I’m like, Hey, there it is good. So, all right, next slide. All right. Uh, so this is, uh, well, you can get into this. This is, this is the stations as well. Yeah.

TH: So this, this graph shows the difference between the actual measured data between the raw data they report and the actual measured data. So you can see the temperatures in the past, like going back to 1920, they’ve called them about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. And last year they warmed at about 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit. So they’ve created three degrees of warming by tampering with the data. This is the data tampering you’re seeing right here. So there’s a completely fake three degree warming trend they’ve made over the past century, which doesn’t exist.

DT: Yeah. And you’ve even got some and even got some Republican and conservative say, well, you know, I think there’s some, there’s some warming going on. I don’t, you know, is it, is it us or is it, is it just the globe or whatever, but even that you have to take a step back and be like, no, what is the real data say? And like what you just said a minute ago, it’s going down reality. Yeah.

TH: Yeah. It’s the situation is atrocious and they can get away with it because they’ve got complete control over the press.

DT: Right.

TH: Um, you know, everyone in the press knows about me. The New York Times knows about me. They’ve written hit pieces about me. I testified at the, testified at the Washington State Senate. Um, in 2007 for 45 minutes, gave a very detailed testimony. All of the Seattle press was there. They didn’t report on a single thing. They said all that they reported after that was climate denier speaks for 45 minutes in Olympia. I talked to a number of the reporters that I explained everything that was going on and they refused to publish anything. I said, and after that, the New York Times said he did a hit piece on me. And I kept trying to contact them that to correct all the things that they’d said wrong. And they were, they didn’t, they won’t talk to me again, hit pieces, you know, written on me all the time from CNN, lean a lot, lots of lies, all kinds of other things. They never talked to me. They want to talk to me because they know that I’ll destroy their story. So they, they just it’s. And, but the fact that they have complete control over the press means they know they can get away with anything they want and they just, and the climate stories are getting more and more ridiculous every single day.

DT: Right. Right. So I just can’t believe this Tony, they would come in with a preconceived notion. And if you don’t fall in line with it, you’re a denier. So that’s, that’s the way this works now. And I know it’s a terrible time and we have a lot of guests on and talk about the state of the media and what the heck is going on here. And it’s still just the lack of truth. And, uh, you know, we just got to keep hanging in there and, the truth prevails. And somewhere in there, people go, wait a minute, what’s going on? And it’s like, what you just said, they have to go further and further and get more ridiculous to propagate the lie. And so we’ve just got to keep working on the truth. So yeah, it’s it’s yeah.

TH: And it’s also social media, right. Um, Twitter know I was on Twitter for 12 years. They have been trying to get rid of me for years. They finally banned me about a month ago, without an, you know, they didn’t provide any explanation. They didn’t tell me what it was, but I know they’ve been trying to get rid of me for years, YouTube, regularly, censors my staff and locks me out for a week. Um, so, you know, they’re just pushing people up other platforms which do support free speech. They’re, you know, they’re, they’re destroying their own business by doing this. And it’s an insane suicidal business model they’re engaged in.

DT: Yeah, absolutely. Well, this is really great. I appreciate you doing all this. Is there anything else we didn’t go over that you, that you want to coat? Wait, we got one more slide. I thought we were done. So let’s uh, let’s just, yeah. Okay. So this goes, okay, we’ll go ahead. And this is the, uh, the downward trend here.

TH: So yeah, so there’s been all these news reports recently that, that, um, last year was the fifth hottest year on record in the United States. And it’s complete nonsense. Uh, th this graph shows the percent of stations in, from NOAA in the United States, which reach 95 degrees Fahrenheit sometime during the year. And they peaked in 1931. And last year was actually among the lowest on record. So less and less of the United States has been getting very hot every summer. Um, and last year was among the lowest on record, but at the same time, the process claiming that last year we had record heat waves in the United States. And I made a video last night showing out totally fraudulent, that all thing was and went over in great detail about how much hotter the United States was in the past.

DT: Yeah. And it’s just, uh, the overall perspective on the whole thing is just lost. And I think that this goes to this idea now, especially, you know, you brought it up with the education with the younger generation. Sometimes it’s difficult. It’s like, no, nothing’s more important than right now. Everything that’s happening bad is to solve right now. It’s like, no, no, no. Let’s look at the history of things. Things go up and down and, you know, there’s this other thing called weather that changes. And I’m always saying, you know, our weather person here in Chicago, they do their best, but often they’re wrong about like tomorrow. So it’s like, okay, we’re going to predict that a hundred years. Exactly. What’s going to happen. No, you’re not.
So, uh, I just, I just love what you do with the charts and the graphs. So, so that was our last slide that we have here. But anything else that you wanted to cover that we didn’t, we didn’t hit as part of the charts.

TH: Yeah. I just wanted to throw in. So there’s this problem, this belief that we’re suffering the worst, most extreme weather is something which has plagued humanity for as long as there’s people have been communicating. Um, I posted an article from 1947, yesterday about this belief that the world was warming up and it was from the U S whether we were explaining that it wasn’t true. It just based on people’s faulty memories, I’ve got another similar article from 1939. My favorite favorite ones from 1871 from the British press was imaginary changes of climate. And it goes into how every, according to people keeping records every month is the hottest driest, windiest, wetest worst ever known. And, and it’s just based on miss people, exaggerate things. And if you go back to like the Salem Witch trials were probably largely based on the fact that there was a lot of bad while there during the little ice age. And it was blamed on witches was in, in Europe, they burned tens of thousands of witches at the stake in the 16th century for cooking the weather.The belief was that the bad weather of the little ice age was due to Pete, that climate change that was being caused by humans, which is exactly the same story we have. Now, it’s the superstition that humans are causing climate change.

DT: Yeah, that’s right. And I just, uh, I covered this, uh, I think I had Eric Metaxas sign talking about his atheism dad, his new book, and it’s a little bit of this, you know, the climate worship and mother nature and worship the earth and everything so well, you know, God made everything and he’s in control. So we’ll just have to see what happens. And we don’t know exactly. And this is, it’s great that you bring that up. I mean, that’s what we all got to start saying more and more as, Hey, this has happened previously and we don’t want to be associated with, you know, the same kinds of people that were, you know, Salem witch trials, right. And this is the same thing, you know, you’re talking about, you know, what’s going on with you and, and online and getting banned and stuff. And so, you know, it’s not as bad, but the trend is not great with these people just pushing this lie over and over. So I appreciate your courage and, well, I appreciate you standing up and I’m just going to, we’re going to do our best around here, Tony, to make sure all our viewers understand, you know, your deal and what you’re about and make sure you get the stuff out. Cause the work you do is fantastic. And like I said, you know, you’re not getting any corporate money for this or anything. You’re just doing the, doing the right thing. So I really, really appreciate it. Great. Well, thank you. Well, I’d love to have you back on and uh, we’ll keep everybody, we push out your stuff all the time and we’ll, we’ll direct everybody to your, to your website and all the great work you do. And, and just appreciate you coming on day. Have a good one.

TH: Okay, fantastic. Thank you.

DT: All right. That’s our show for today. Thank you so much for tuning in and for supporting conservative media. Don’t ever forget that by working together and staying diligent, we conservatives can bring our country back to true greatness until next week. Let’s all keep praying that God will continue to bless America. First right, A new kind of new summary without the liberal slant every morning in your inbox, always free subscribed by texting firstright to 3 0 1 6 1 that’s FIRSTRIGHT All caps. One word TO 3 0 1 6 1.