Did you know that when a licensed gun store goes out of business, its private records detailing gun transactions become ATF property and are stored at a federal site in West Virginia? Photos are taken of the records, and we are told that the names are not searchable… but with modern technology, that notion is a farce.
The Biden administration has scooped up almost 55 million gun transaction records in 2021 alone. As the Washington Free Beacon details, “This practice allows the federal government to stockpile scores of gun records and has drawn outrage from gun advocacy groups that say the government is using this information to create a national database of gun owners — which has long been prohibited under U.S. law.”
Further, hidden within President Biden’s proposed gun-grabbing legislation is a provision that would have every single Firearm Transaction Record going forward sent to the ATF’s registry.
Gun owners and 2nd Amendment preservationists have long said that background checks and registries are precursors to confiscation. Such claims have been met with protest and derision by the gun grabbers, hoplophobes and those who seek to erase the 2nd Amendment from our consciousness.
What Michael Bloomberg and the left-wing gun control crusaders continually ignore is that simple gun ownership and the availability of them are not the problem. The problem is a dysfunctional society with a culture of violence that they had a large hand in creating and allowing to fester.
But if you are thinking of acceding to the gun-grabbers’ plans and are starting to think a gun registry of each owner is “reasonable,” Franklin Sanders of The Moneychanger got it right when he wrote:
“Owning guns is about having something to use against the government when they come to put your family up against the wall and shoot them. Ask the Russians, Germans, Chinese, and anybody else in the world. The only thing preventing total tyranny right now in the USA is that there are 300 million guns out there and government doesn’t know where they are.”
The Founding Fathers understood the necessity of an armed populace if a society was to remain free. Writing in Federalist No. 46, James Madison said, “The ultimate authority …resides in the people alone.… The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation …forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition.”
And that ambition can be from a tyrannical government or a common street thug.
Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story, in his Commentaries on the Constitution, wrote, “The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.”
There is a growing sense of fear from many in our society over the usurpation and the arbitrary power of rulers. But more importantly, if a person is to remain secure in his home he has to have the ability to defend himself.
I believe that is called life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
What to look for, what to do
I have written to you many times that it is essential to keep an eagle eye open for any attempt to establish national gun registration like the one President Biden is endeavoring to engender.
This is a prelude to the confiscation of guns of every kind.
Also keep an eagle eye out for the end-around gun control with ammunition control — like banks refusing to allow ammunition purchases with a credit card, and other financial controls.
The “thought police” can bankrupt every ammunition maker by making guns perfectly legal but ammunition illegal, or impossible to get without — you guessed it — registering your purchase.
I remember in years gone by that many people re-loaded spent ammunition. This would be a great opportunity for you men out there who would like to learn a secondary trade for a post-collapse society.
Also, buy a gun, get trained in its use and practice, practice, practice.
Here’s a list of waiting periods, alphabetically by state before you can take possession of a gun you wish to purchase.
If you would like a conceal-carry license, go here for one that works in multiple states.
Don’t be a helpless victim, and always remember that the 2nd Amendment was not put in place for hunters or even for self-defense… it was put in place to protect Americans from totalitarians in government who want total disarmament. That would give the State its long-awaited monopoly on everything. That amounts to slavery.
Bob Livingston