Feel sorry for the bullies: Township meeting 2/14/2022 by Rolo Tomacy wmst.rollo@protonmail.com
The Homer Township meeting started at seven o’clock, and it didn’t take long to get hateful and offensive. Such is the motive of the bully…to divide, to offend, to spread hate… but lately you might have heard a different tone from the bullies: Don’t make fun of people who want to wear a mask; Treat people with respect who just want to be safe; Let us have our freedom of choice to wear a mask without being ridiculed.
Interesting that the pleadings of these bullies sound exactly like the hundreds of parents who plead with school boards in the area for the last two years to… “Please give us our freedom of choice for our kids.” Of course these pleadings were ignored, and children were masked and segregated without any evidence of the “safety” the bullies said they were providing.The township meetings always start with the pledge of allegiance, and then a prayer usually offered by John Walters which amounts to: Dear Lord help us make the right decisions; Thank you for the benefit of this great country and community…etc…Ellen, the lead bully and proud atheist, pretended to cough loudly, as to drown out the prayer. I say “pretended” because being double masked as she was, there is no possible way she could have contracted any virus which could translate into even a small cough, let alone the kind of loud hoarse cough she pretended to have.
Award for bravery and courage: goes to eight year old Gigi for following the temporary restraining order and defying the District 92 school board by entering Reed school without a mask on Monday February 7th. Why is it important to recognize “bravery and courage?” Because without bravery there is no truth…without courage there is no love of mankind against the tyranny of the mob. What is the truth? The truth is that there is no evidence whatsoever that wearing a mask on your face does anything to stop, or even slow, the spread of this coronavirus. (If you think you have any evidence please provide in a link below so that it can be debunked.)
What is the “tyranny of the mob?” The people who demand, intimidate, and ridicule anyone who does not follow the orthodoxy of the Marxist faith, that is, control. In this case the reason for this control, or tyranny, is money. The schools are fighting to keep millions of dollars of government money by keeping kids masked against all science and data until, according to Robert Mcbride District 205 superintendent, 2024. Kids like Gigi who have the courage to fight against the tyranny of the mob should serve as a lesson to those adults who do not.
Before public comments the township attorney, Mike Hayes, reads the rules and explains that anyone who causes trouble will be removed by the officer on duty. Apparently the board knew that the bullies would show up.The first speaker, Sheri, (A.G. spice) announced that “WE will not stop holding the board accountable until the board is for all the people in Homer Township, not just some of the people who share their personal beliefs.” She goes on to say, “We will not stop” just because: people on facebook make fun of us; our attorney general complaints are posted on the village website; accusing me of keying cars in the parking lot; “You will be held accountable.” Bullies don’t like being called out, they don’t like when their A.G. complaints go public so everyone in the township can see where over fifteen thousand dollars of your hard earned tax money is wasted. These bullies don’t care about wasting money, they care about weaponizing the process to intimidate the board to only represent them, not “all the people,” like they pretend to care about. The proof is in the Attorney General’s response to all the unsubstantiated claims filed by the people who represent the democratic socialist party of Homer Township.
In a sense, the defiant tone by Sheri says, “I will not be bullied!”The next speaker, Judy, (nutty spice) came right out of the box swinging, when the clerk, Vicky, said, “Next is Judy Von….” Judy interrupted, “That’s ok, you probably can’t spell it anyway.” Ridicule is another weapon used by the bully… it’s part of their perceived sense of self superiority. Judy ridicules on, “Superintendent is a word that Steve(Balich) has used a lot this past week, it’s also a word he can’t spell.”
Notice that this statement was not meant to inform, but to demean. Judy goes on, “When a group of moms, supporters of his, decided to harass kids as they were trying to go to school on Monday.” Let’s stop the video here and discuss, shall we? Blatantly lying and projecting evil on peaceful protesters are the hallmarks of every bully throughout history. This person wants you to believe that moms showing up to support their own child’s rights and freedom of choice, is the equivalent of harassing other kids who are just “trying to go to school.
”After Judy calls out members of the board, and people in the audience, for comments on facebook (remember, bullies don’t like to be ridiculed) she said to the town supervisor, Steve Balich, “You have no business going after the school board.” and finished by demanding his resignation. Karen wants the board to “represent everybody, not just the republicans or whatever.” She went on to say, “I’ve lived here for thirty-three years, over the last couple of years I’ve really been ashamed and embarrassed, for example you chose to give a township award to a child who chose to defy the CDC safety recommendations. It’s not a good precedent to encourage students to disrespect authority.” She finished with, “Kids who want to wear a mask should not be made to feel that they are doing something wrong, and that’s how it comes off.”
This statement is downright laughable if not blatantly antagonistic. Hasn’t it been these bullies that have made kids, and parents, feel kike they are doing somthing wrong by not wanting to wear a mask? Let’s break this down. “Represent everybody” means represent “my” group only, which is evidenced by the next statement about disrespecting authority. The authority of a circuit court judge, in Karen’s view, should be “disrespected” if that judge goes against the Marxist narrative. It is, in fact, the school boards who are teaching our kids to disrespect authority by ignoring a restraining order, thereby breaking the law and segregating kids by placing them in separate areas in the school. Are the school boards representing everybody? Or do they only represent their own self interests? No answer is given. -sidebar- I nearly peed myself laughing when she said “keep politics out of the schools.” OMG! This person represents a political party that spent the last FIVE years hyper-politicizing, hyper-sexualizing, and hyper-racializing kids across the entire country. What’s the moral of this story? Don’t be a Karen.Ellen, the leader of the “socialist spice girls,” (nasty spice) never disappoints.
Rocking the deuce, as she was, she rips off her double mask and gets ready to deliver vocal body blows. Ellen said she “witnessed over and over again a group of angry, insulting adults appearing at board meetings and protesting in front of schools.” Ellen was so grateful that her child “aged out of the system so that he didn’t have to face that vitriol directed at him and his special-needs peers because they are all at high risk, and mandates were put into place to protect them.” I’m actually surprised that Ellen didn’t call these peaceful protester parents “terrorists.” I’m sure the FBI will be on the case shortly.Speaking of the FBI, apparently Ellen has received some kind of secret government intel that proves the absolute effectiveness of masks during a pandemic.
Is Ellen a super-scientist that works in a secret government lab in an undisclosed location? Is Ellen the only person in the world who knows the truth about this secret mask science? Is Ellen fighting the never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way? Find the answers to these, and many other important questions, on the next episode of… “face diaper diaries”
The truth is, there is no evidence that masks did anything but hurt the youngest of our children. “Masks work to keep everyone else safe” is a lie cooked up by the bullies in order to shame you into submission. It’s not about the science, it’s about compliance. Missy shamalama, (ding dong spice) is a very busy spice girl. A full time Marxist advocate against the people of HomerTownship, she also finds time to delineate her destruction as a 33c school board member, helping to keep your kids “face covered” until perpetuity.
This one also recruits family members, as her husband has been routinely bullying people on facebook since her term as school board member started. Missy begins by lecturing the township board on what is required of them. “Nowhere does it say that the township should be writing letters to other agencies.” Missy is, of course, talking about the letter to the school board at District 205 that denounces the board’s decision to ignore a temporary restraining order. Judge Raylene Grischow, in the seventh circuit court, ruled that the mask mandates and other quarantine measures imposed by executive order by democrat governor Jb Pritzker were, “NULL AND VOID.”
Missy believes that the township board is overstepping its bounds by “stepping into other people’s business,” and writing a letter on behalf of the township. Letter from the attorney general. Sheri Lynn (A.G. spice) wrote to the Attorney General alleging that Ellen (nasty spice) didn’t get her full three minutes during a November meeting in which the board had to motion to adjourn the meeting to stop Ellen’s filibuster. The Attorney General concluded that Ellen spoke for nearly FOUR minutes. The spice girls don’t care about fairness, they don’t care about rules, they don’t care about children, they don’t even care about the township board. They weaponize the A.G. process to punish you, the voter. It doesn’t matter that the complaints are unfounded… it doesn’t even matter that the complaints are lies. The only thing that matters is that you, the voter, suffer for going against the Marxist orthodoxy.
The board isn’t being punished, in the form of over $15,000 of wasted taxpayer money. In this case the process is the punishment. So you want to write a grant? If you can get a grant for the township, you will get paid a fee for writing that grant. Why? Because the township wouldn’t have gotten that money otherwise, if it weren’t for you. Simple, right? In this case the board passed the motion for one named individual, Jen Consolino, who is a trustee for the village of Homer Glen, to receive 1% of any grants she writes. Due to complaints from the squad about possible “favoritism” (and loud shouts from Nasty Spice in the back of the room) the board will include the words “anybody who writes a grant” in a future meeting.
Letter to the state house and senate: What does writing a letter to the state about proposed legislation actually do, as it pertains to the township? Well, just like writing letters or sending emails to elected officials to voice your opinions, it sends a message that the township either agrees or disagrees with that legislation. The more villages and townships that write letters, the more it might sway that particular legislation one way or the other. In this case forced vaccines, detainments, and quarantines. In this case the township is saying that we want freedom of choice and sovereignty over our own bodies. I’m sure the majority of the township agrees with that.
Township trustee Angela Adolf, however, is concerned about the overreach of the township board, but not the overreach of the state government dictating what you must put into your own bodies or else. Angela is concerned about possible liability if the letter is sent. Dear Angela, If you’re worried about getting sued by the government because you wrote a letter, I think township “overreach” is the last thing you should be worried about.Here’s where it gets good: Trustee Adolf said that she read the twenty-nine page temporary restraining order by Judge Grischow and determined that the letter being sent was wrong in stating; The judge issued a statewide restraining order against the mandate requiring students to wear masks, and that the governor’s mandates were null and void. If trustee Adolf actually read the twenty-nine page document like she says, she would have noticed: page13, paragraph 2, which states; “The delegation of authority (by IDPH) to school districts regarding public health and safety is an abuse of power and was never contemplated by the legislation.” Or the previous paragraph that said; “IDPH passed the buck to schools so as to not trigger the due process protections under the IDPH act. Courts should not be fooled or misled by this egregious conduct.” How about page16,paragraph1, that said; “It is clear that IDPH/ISBE were attempting to force school districts to comply with this guidance without any compliance with rule making. THIS TYPE OF EVIL IS EXACTLY WHAT THE LAW WAS INTENDED TO CONSTRAIN.” And maybe trustee Adolf missed page 18; “The court is left to conclude, the legislature did not intend to restrict or take away individual due process rights.” Page20; “The due process procedures for each and every student subjected to exclusion from in-person education and quarantine based on being in close contact were completely removed.” page 25: No party has cited to any law authorizing schools to make independent healthcare decisions and rules absent input and guidance from IDPH or local health departments. (This one means that the school board’s vote in August 2021 to force the masking of the kids at Lockport Township High School is illegal, as it is clarified on page26) page 27; The court finds the plaintiffs will suffer irreparable injury should this Temporary Restraining Order not issue. And the most important page 28; The IDPH Emergency Rules enacted on September 17th, 2021 – is deemed to be null and void… defendants are temporarily restrained from: ordering school districts to require the use of masks for students…
I could go on and on, but so can Angela, as she went on, and on, and on… about what? She obviously didn’t read “all twenty-nine pages” in the document, except for a couple sentences that she thinks benefit her beliefs. What does she believe? She believes whatever her boss, District 205 Superintendent Robert McBride, tells her to believe. I’m not ready to give Angela Adolf a ”spice girl” designation at this time, but it is painfully obvious at this point that she works on behalf of the squad, as Nasty Spice was seen dancing in the aisles (“bully on the dance floor”) when trustee Adolf was filibustering the meeting stating laughably that “government overreach is a danger to our democracy.” Which is true if she was talking about the state, but in this case she was talking about the township board. I think trustee Adolf is quite confused.
Trustee Mike Bonomo was not confused however when he stated “this is about government overreach” of the state. After all the back and forth, the board felt sorry for Angela, and a motion to remove the letter was approved. Another solid victory for the bullies and their puppet, Angela Adolf. Congratulations. The rest of the agenda did not concern the bullies, so they all left the meeting.
Road district report: Brent Porfilio reports again about salting the roads. If you want to know about the salting policies go to the Road Commissioner website or the Homer Township website. Brent also re-stated that the “Special Needs Grant” still has only a few applications and encourages more people to sign up for the five-thousand dollar grant for adults with special needs.
Since Ellen started out her comments with talking about her special needs son, Brent specifically mentioned her, but she had already left.
The bullies want you to feel sorry for them, while they feel nothing for you. They want you to feel empathy for them, while they feel apathy for you. They want you to listen to their needs, while they shout you down. They don’t want the system to work for them, they want to burn the whole blessed thing down around everyone’s feet and play in the ashes. Should you feel sorry for the bullies? Feeling sorry for these people is the equivalent of wishing ill upon your own family.
Don’t fall for the “let’s all just get along” act… the best way to ensure the longevity of a bully, is to appease them. The board should not appease them, nor ignore them. Bullies have to be shut down. Even the demand for equality for some, as they suggest, can only result in an inequality for all. As the pig says, “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” Animal Farm.Motion to adjourn. wmst.rollo@protonmail.com