Posted on Posted by Steve Balich

Propaganda is not something that you can take or leave. Constant bombardment of word patterns penetrates the consciousness, rearranging neuron structure. It is an electro-chemical reaction that dehumanizes the human ego. The result is that man no longer thinks for himself. He thinks the thoughts disseminated to the group. Even though he may not be totally transformed, group thoughts and group dynamics dominate.
This is the esoteric system of American psychiatry. In modern America, if one has an ego, he has a disease that requires treatment. If he questions the mainstream, he is sick, he is “anti-social” and accused of wrongthink. He’s a “right-wing fanatic.”
Folks, we have reached the totalitarian regime foreshadowed in George Orwell’s 1984, where all that we do is watched and where even our thoughts have become crimes. We are guilty of wrongthink should we wonder, imagine, question, probe, research, disbelieve, or think in any contrarian manner.
Matt Taibbi points out on his website:…
“…being antiwar or supportive of free speech or even just sort of generally chill and forgiving — all part of the liberal’s basic toolkit, once — can inspire accusations of rightist treachery. “This is a …
… with the standard line on anything, from Russiagate to intervention in Syria or Ukraine to whether or not Anthony Fauci lied a time or five, can sooner or later expect to wake up wearing the wrongthink tag.”
All institutions (social, fraternal, political, etc.) focus on the directing the human psyche into becoming one with the will of the state. The public mind is not only programmed to bend to the will of the state, the public mind becomes itself the state; the perfect organism, and the perfect crime.
“Public schools,” which are in fact and in reality government schools, direct us into an emotional fixation with official mythology deceptively named public policy. The public (non)education system is in fact a dozen-year (or more) programming process that builds parameters of thought from which few ever escape. And precious few do escape.
The New York Public School system’s former teacher of the year John Taylor Gatto, in his book Dumbing Us Down, declared: “Pick up a fifth-grade math or rhetoric textbook from 1850 and you’ll see that the texts were pitched then on what would today be considered college level. The continuing cry for ‘basic skills’ practice is a smokescreen behind which schools preempt the time of children for twelve years….”
After which, children are pushed into going to college, to be “taught” by professors who have gone into academia to further the psychosis.
As Noah Carl points out on his site: “The best illustration of academia’s leftward shift is this chart, which shows the proportion of US academics identifying as ‘Far left/liberal’ and ‘Far-right/conservative’ from 1989–90 to 2013–14. All the data come from the same long-running survey, so there can be little doubt that the shift is real, as opposed to being due to changes in methodology. As the chart’s creator, Sam Abrams, notes, ‘The data is comparable and responsibly collected over a long period of time.’ (Though I’m not aware of any more recent data, it’s plausible that the dark blue line is now even higher.)”
All this goes to say that we can be slaves to the propaganda of the state without knowing it. I have said that our propaganda system makes Herr Goebbels look like a piker. Governments, and especially the U.S. and British governments, rule by propaganda. They actually create our thinking. We do not think our own thoughts.
Still, deep thinkers have already figured out that the more “educated” one is the more the gullibility and compulsion he has to follow the official propaganda line no matter the subject.
To be “educated” in this system today is to be ignorant, as ignorance is a lack of knowledge, education or awareness. It’s not all their fault—particularly the younger generations. Their education system has been corrupted by 1960s radicalism—the same radicalism that has infected our government.
In reality, the educated element in America is a vast cadre of intellectual prostitutes. Very few — almost none, in fact — will jeopardize their professional reputation and their livelihood to publicly question the mythology of court history, conventional wisdom and “public policy.”
Indeed, it is a compliment to them to suggest that they have the capacity to suspect that government propaganda even exists, let alone that there is a historical blackout.
Prescription for individual freedom
An old Spanish proverb says, “Books are hindrances to persisting stupidity.”
Most people never break free of popular delusions because they will not read, so you are already far above the average! It’s as if they have some kind of phobia of reading. They wouldn’t buy a book or walk across the street if offered free. The frivolity of life is what consumes them.
Yet if you do not read you will never break free and become truly wealthy and free.
You may become like those “educated” people whose thinking has been sealed within the parameters of education. They wouldn’t dare read anything not in harmony with what they already believe. These are high IQ people. They think what they don’t know isn’t worth knowing.
Reading and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.
Read as many books as you can on natural health, real history, non-mainstream finance, and alternative publications (yes, they are still available, like my The Bob Livingston Letter®).
Mass education was designed to turn independent farmers into docile, passive tools of production. That was its primary purpose. And don’t think people didn’t know it. They knew it and they fought against it. There was a lot of resistance to mass education for exactly that reason. It was also understood by the elites.
Ralph Waldo Emerson observed that political leaders call for popular education because they fear that “This country is filling up with thousands and millions of voters, and you must educate them to keep them from our throats.”
If they aren’t “educated” in the right way, they’re going to take back control — “they” being what Alexander Hamilton called the ‘great beast,’ namely the people. The freer a society gets, the more dangerous the great beast becomes and the more the elites wish to put it back in its cage.
Be a dangerous beast.
Bob Livingston