George Soros and his Soft-On Crime Prosecutors: the Johnny Appleseeds of Urban Anarchy
By John Kass
August 3, 2022
As major cities suffer large spikes in violent crime, as Democrats find themselves on the defensive with the November mid-terms approaching, the leftist billionaire George Soros doubles down.
In a recent op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, Soros promised to continue funding the political campaigns of his pet prosecutors that he’s elected in jurisdictions around the country.
He calls them “reformers.”
But are they really reformers?
Soros’ soft-on-crime prosecutors are activists. They’re his radical secular missionaries, his Johnny Appleseeds of urban anarchy, lawlessness and despair. They spread the seeds that Soros is determined to grow to raise up bitter fruit.
When I worked as a columnist for the Chicago Tribune, I warned readers about Soros and his funding of radical prosecutors, and the sense of lawlessness growing across the country as a result. I reported on the millions he was spending to elect his prosecutors, including Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.
But at my newspaper, the woke Chicago Tribune Guild became enraged and tried to silence me. How? By trying to shame me. By falsely and maliciously defaming me as a religious bigot, for daring to warn the people about Soros.
I did not make any reference to Soros’ religious beliefs, his lack of religious beliefs, or his ethnicity. Not one. But I would not be silenced by the woke mob in my old newsroom or any other. Afterwards I took a buyout, and started my own website, johnkassnews.com All readers are welcome to join and subscribe. Life is good.
And just the other day, Soros confirmed in his own words what I had written and had been slandered for: that he was determined to fund the elections of progressive prosecutors, that he had no intention of stopping.
So who do I go to now, to get my reputation back? The Chicago Tribune, or the Jacobins of The Tribune Guild that run the newsroom?
The larger issue isn’t about me, but the suffering people of Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and other jurisdictions where Soros has elected his prosecutors. The people and small business owners pay the real price, in blood and anguish, as victims of ever increasing violent crime.
“…I have no intention of stopping,” Soros writes in the Wall Street Journal about funding his non-prosecutors. “The funds I provide enable sensible reform-minded candidates to receive a hearing from the public. Judging by the results, the public likes what it’s hearing.”
I really don’t think the public likes what it’s hearing. One of his pet prosecutors, Chesa Boudin, raised by wolves in Chicago, has already been recalled by angry Democrat voters San Francisco, the most politically liberal city in the country. They didn’t like it.
Another recall effort is underway, targeting another Soros pet, the left-wing soft on crime Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon. And more to come.
The Soros prosecutor in Chicago and Cook County is Kim Foxx. There is no recall effort for her. She is protected by media here and by her powerful patroness, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. And still, resignations continue in her office. More prosecutors leave. The office, once a great training ground for prosecutors, is now being hollowed out under Foxx.
Last week, a top prosecutor, James Murphy, resigned days ago in a blistering resignation letter. Others have reportedly followed him out the door. I searched for editorials about this in the Sun Times and the Tribune. As of Tuesday morning, I still had not seen the editorial boards of either dip their toes into those chilly waters. The Tribune endorsed Preckwinkle. The Sun Times has endorsed Foxx.
In his resignation letter, Murphy, a respected 25 year veteran, said he could not continue working for “an administration I don’t respect.”
“I’ve seen it day after day,” Murphy wrote. “How many mass shootings do there have to be before something is done? This Administration is more concerned with political narratives and agendas than with victims and prosecuting violent crime. That is why I can’t stay any longer.”
Democrats might enjoy the leverage provided by Soros’ billions. But even they see his woke prosecutor project as a liability. And in the districts where Soros has helped elect his cadre of prosecutors, crime is out of control.
The crime spike in New York, Chicago and other towns is creating problems up and down the Democratic ballot. Team Biden is now desperate, gaslighting the public, and trying to talk tough on crime. But all voters can hear are the echoes of Democrats pushing for defunding the police and decarcerating the jails after those “mostly peaceful” George Floyd protests leveraged by Democrats for partisan political advantage in 2020 became full scale riots.
Soros and his woke prosecutors are the ripening albatross around Democratic political necks as the November mid-term elections approach.
He’s spent tens of millions of dollars to elect progressive catch-and-release prosecutors, many of whom support defunding local police and thinning (decarceration) of local jail populations.
All this contributes to more violence, with violent offenders arrested, then let out of jail early on low or no bail, or on “electronic monitoring” where they commit more violence.
Police morale craters. There aren’t enough police in Chicago to handle the 911 calls. The people lose confidence in law enforcement, as if by design. The sense of anarchy grows. Most victims of violent crime aren’t wealthy white suburbanites. Most victims are racial minorities, black and brown. And Democrats who have built careers championing the concerns of minorities avoid the issue of the victims as best they can, shielded by corporate media that is mostly liberal and overwhelmingly Democrat.
Police morale is so low now. And big cities like New York and Chicago are frantic, finding it impossible to stem the loss of police manpower. According to the Police Executive Research Forum, there was a 45 percent increase in the police retirement rate and almost a 20 percent resignation rate the year before. More than 500 cops left the New York Police Department in the last month. Police Union boss Patrick Lynch told the New York Post that “the exodus has become a stampede.”
One of the Soros prosecutors is Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm. He believes in setting low bail amounts, even for highly violent arrestees.
“Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who’s going to go out and kill somebody? You bet. Guaranteed” Chisholm said in a 2007 interview. “It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.”
Guaranteed? It happened. Of course it happened. It was inevitable.
A man named Darrell Brooks was charged with running over the mother of his child. Bail was set at just $1,000. After he was released, on such ridiculously low bail, he allegedly plowed his car into a crowded Christmas parade in Waukesha. He has been charged with killing six people.
The same kind of low-bail mayhem happens almost every day in Chicago. And it will become more chaotic when the Democrat’s no-cash bail law takes effect.
The website CWB Chicago covers crime, making up for the timidity of the woke metropolitan dailies. CWB continually runs stories that the papers ignore, stories of violent offenders released on low or no bail, only to kill, try to kill or shoot others. Witnesses. Babies. Chicago becomes a dystopian landscape, a Bartertown.
Soros and his minions, in journalism and politics, want you to think that solutions are all so complicated. They’re not all that complicated. Not really.
What’s required is political willpower to support law enforcement that enforces the the law, and prosecutors and judges that follow existing law isolate the habitually violent behind bars after they’ve repeatedly demonstrated they pose a danger to the community.
In Democratic cities, Democrats play the race card like maestros to distract. They play identity politics too. Law and order suffers. The victims suffer. And woke newsrooms play the same political game as they did with me. Those who want police to be pro-active in fighting crime to give minorities a chance are immediately condemned in media as supporting police brutality of the past. And who is ignored? Those same communities that Democrats and the media pretend to care so much about, but don’t.
According to the letter signed by the Tribune Guild Executive Board condemning me, “The odious, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that billionaire George Soros is a puppet master controlling America’s big cities does not deserve a mainstream voice, especially at a time when hate crimes are rising”
Again, I did not mention Soros’ religion or lack of religion. Among those who signed the letter was Megan Crepeau, who covers Kim Foxx and the Cook County Courts, and Greg Pratt, who covers City Hall and politics. Do they let their biases shape their judgment in favor of progressive political actors? Ask them. That’s for you to decide. I’m out of it.
When the Tribune Guild falsely defamed me an anti-Semite for writing the truth about Soros, I felt as if I were alone, but I wasn’t. You readers were with me. And others leapt to my defense, journalists I respect, including Tom Bevan, of Real Clear Politics. And lawyer David M. Simon, writing “This Jew Stands With John Kass Against Anti-Semitic Hit.” My dear friend, the great Professor Charles Lipson wrote “When ‘J’accuse’ is Just a Smear” for The Spectator World.
Carl Cannon, Washington Bureau Chief for Real Clear Politics and noted fly fisherman, wrote a detailed piece on how some journalists have become political operatives in “Soros, Kass, Liberal Prosecutors and the Battle for Transparency.”
One of the first to defend me was conservative Chicago morning radio host Dan Proft. On his Tuesday Morning Answer program he co-hosts with Amy Jacobson, Proft came out swinging and this angered the Jacobins.
“Well now, George Soros just confirmed that what John Kass was writing was true,” Proft said. “which election records already confirm, which campaign finance disclosure already confirm. But now what do you say? Oh, will there be a mea culpa? Will there be an apology to John Kass for calling him an anti-Semite based on nothing? When actually, the evidence supported the claim that he made—the claim I’ve made on this show and a lot of other people have made all over the country–because it’s true and easily available.
“But that doesn’t matter,” he scoffed. “They’re professional liars.”
I don’t expect an apology from liars and wormtongues. And I wouldn’t touch their apology even if they offered. I’d spit on it first.
Soros doesn’t apologize to the people for pushing his soft-on-crime prosecutors upon them. He doesn’t apologize to the victims of violent crime, the demoralized cops and their families, the exhausted assistant state’s attorneys, the business owners who lose everything.
Soros doubles down. And they deserve so much better in areas where where Soros has installed his prosecutors, in communities that are being devoured by violent crime and anarchy.
The solution involves the people expressing their will on election day about what kind of country they want to live in. Not me. Not George Soros. Not corrupt corporate legacy media helping the political class gaslight them,
The people must decide.
And come November, they will speak.