November 2022 A Family Doc Who Can Treat and Prescribe for You By Phone… Today!by Dr. J. P. Johnston, D.O.Dr. Johnston is a family physician who has opened up his practice for “One-Time Consults” for patients all over the nation. Patients like YOU, who prefer care from a doctor who is PRO-LIFE, who is PRO-VACCINE-CHOICE, and who is COMFORTABLE with alternative non-FDA-approved treatments like ivermectin for COVID-19. Is that you? Then sign up today HERE. I am tired of feeling like medicine is an assembly line, aren’t you? Are you weary of feeling like you’re just another cog in the wheel waiting in a germ-filled waiting room for care? Always waiting. Always disappointed. Impersonal. Cumbersome. Too much paperwork. Tired of being brow-beat because your vaccines aren’t up-to-date. Doesn’t it feel like its run by lawyers and corporations obsessed about lawsuits and profit, not physicians who truly care for you? They won’t prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, in spite of the 92 studies showing its safe and effective, and they won’t write your medical vaccine exemption letter for valid exemptions. They aren’t independent thinkers. Most physicians and mid-level providers are employees, and they do what they are told. They’re suckers for mindless, stupid rules that inconvenience patients, delay care, and sacrifice lives and health. They can’t think outside of the CDC-shaped box that corporate medicine has designed for them. You don’t have to feel like that anymore! (Dr. Johnston can meet you and your family’s needs today! Sign up at YourHomeMedicalCare.com/new-patients and make an appointment.)There’s a desperate need in the United States for a new kind of physician. One who abides by the Hippocratic oath and the motto, “First, do no harm.” The fascist, Big-Pharma-and-government control of the medical care of patients in our communities is, too often, doing more harm than good. Patients being berated by their doctor for not getting the dangerous and ineffective COVID-vaccine. Pediatricians who kick infants out of their practice because the parents refuse a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease.Employers who fire workers because they refuse the COVID-19 vaccine. Home-birthing through midwives, which is the dominant means by which children are brought into this world throughout human history and around the world, is, unbelievably, criminalized in North Carolina! We are seeing the gradual dwindling of parental rights over the education and healthcare of children. The evidence that ivermectin reduces the deaths and disabilities from COVID-19 is overwhelming, and still the medical community badmouths it and persecutes doctors who write such prescriptions and the pharmacists who fill them. And death by abortion remains the most common cause of death in states that still have legal abortion! What has happened to healthcare in the United States of America? And what can you do about it? It’s not a rhetorical question. YOU have a choice. You CAN pick a family doctor like Dr. Johnston who is pro-life, who is pro-vaccine choice, who comfortablle with homebirthing, homeschooling, and with non-FDA approved remedies like ivermectin, and who respects privacy rights. Even if you live in New York, or California, or Florida! Dr. Johnston can be your family practice doctor! In Charlotte, North Carolina, Dr. Johnston does home visits! (And you don’t have to wear a mask!) But all over the country, he provides family practice care via telemedicine for families who are desperate for the kind of care he provides. The demand is high for “one-time consults” with Dr. Johnston to provide inexpensive care for patients who require short-term care, or who are sick with COVID and need a doctor prescribe ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine.[To sign up for Dr. Johnston’s family practice and make an appointment, or to order a “one-time consult”, click HERE.]There are many ways my family medical practice is unique, but, first and foremost, I amPRO-LIFE. |
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If you can’t trust your doctor to protect life, how can you trust him with the lives of your children?I am convinced life begins at conception, and believe that the preborn child is a full person with all the God-given rights that you and I enjoy. Our rights come from God, not government, and government cannot legitimately take them away without a trial by jury. About 15 years ago, I started the Assn. of Pro-Life Physicians (APP) to identify and promote pro-life physicians in our nation’s communities. Over 200 physicians in dozens of cities requested to be listed on our website. We provided free bulletin inserts for churches, a website and billboards for the public to promote those physicians in our nation’s communities. My goal was to replicate what Dr. Hippocrates did in Greece. In Hippocrates’ day, patients would frequently be concerned that someone was paying their doctor more to kill them than they were paying to keep them alive. Hippocrates drew an ethical “line in the sand” and called on his side of the line all physicians who would commit before God not to kill people, neither by abortion nor by physician-assisted suicide. Patients voted with their dollars, and in time, physicians had to become Hippocratic physicians or they lost business! Jesus said that if we don’t love our neighbors as ourselves–even the “least” among us–we don’t love God (I John 3 & 4; Matthew 25). We cannot forget the plight of the preborn. There are many different things you might be looking for in a doctor, but picking a doctor who won’t kill people should be at the top of your list. [Click HERE to sign up for Dr. Johnston’s family practice.]All three of the COVID-19 vaccines are made from stem cells obtained from aborted children, a secret that Big Pharma, it has been revealed, has desperately tried to hide. How can you trust the product created by manufacturers who kills babies to create the product they’re pitching to you? Which brings me to another another significant way my practice is unique:I believe in:VACCINE CHOICE |
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If parents were forced to watch what they were forcing their kid to endure, the vaccination rates would take a dive.Kind of like glyphosate (Round Up). If consumers knew how dangerous it was and how many millions of dollars the company that created it spends to keep it legal in the United States, we’d all eat organic! The photo of the child getting pricked above doesn’t do it justice. Imagine one nurse jabbing the left arm, another nurse jabbing the right, while a third nurse sticks two hypodermic syringes in each thigh.I’ve seen that. Indeed, to my shame, I’ve helped with it! Medical professionals live with themselves because we tell ourselves that we are protecting the child against dangerous and deadly diseases. If only the facts lined up with the government-perpetuated myths. For most of the shots, the evidence shows there’s far more risk than benefit! The presumption that vaccines save lives simply does not comport with the facts. In most diseases hailed to have had their deaths largely eradicated by vaccination, deaths were down to zero by the time they came out with the vaccine! I am convinced that the damage done by most vaccines are much greater than that admitted by the medical community. Especially the COVID vaccine, which does far more harm than good in most children.A study recently demonstrated that COVID-vaccine-boosted adults are twice as likely to be hospitalized with COVID, and a study by well-known British and American scientists conclude that the COVID shot was 100 times more likely to cause a student severe harm than to prevent hospitalization from COVID.So certainly I am not going to kick you out of my practice for not getting all the vaccines. It’s fascistic, it’s abusive, and it’s a shame. And I’m going to do something about it by providing a service to the public that most doctors and medical boards will condemn me for providing. I won’t kick you out of my practice if you don’t get all the shots! And I will give you objective evidenceTo help you think through the data, I have written an article that may help: “Which Vaccines Should I Give My Children.” “Educate before you vaccinate.” That’s my philosophy. Throughout my two decade career, the vast majority of my patients have gotten all the shots. It is up to you, the parent, to be confident that the benefits are greater than the risk before you allow your child to undergo a medical procedure or take a vaccine. If you join my practice, we will have this conversation face-to-face. I may disagree with you about your views, but I am not going to pressure you, or condemn you, or kick you out of my practice if you don’t do what the CDC says you should do. Another way my practice is unique: I will protect your PRIVACY RIGHTS |
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Big Tech companies like Google get the flack for trampling privacy rights. Everything you do and say within listening distance to Alexa or your iPhone is put into an algorithm to turn you into profit for the highest bidder. Thanks to the hackability and leaks of electronic medical records systems in hospitals and doctors offices, your personal healthcare information is in constant risk of being leaked online.One unique quality of my practice is that your medical records stay with me. On paper. Nothing online. Thank God for paper! I have always resisted the tax-payer subsidies offered to me to go to electronic medical records. No bureaucracy or insurance company or pharmacy website sees any of your records unless you specifically ask me to send it to someone. I respect your privacy rights. No government bureaucracy is putting you on a “naughty list” because of information that is gathered from me about my patients. Another thing that makes my practice unique:I DO AT-HOME VISITS |
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This is a photograph of me caring for a family on their back porch in Charlotte, North Carolina. That’s the most comfortable place for you to be. And the safest! Your home. When strep, or COVID, or the flu is running rampant through the community, where’s the place that you’re most likely to catch it? A physician’s waiting room.Why would you want to take your kids who are coming down with something to the room in the city that probably has more germs per square inch than any room in town?!I titled my current family practice “Your Home Medical Care” because the care I provide is in YOUR HOME! That’s the safest place for your kids to be when they are sick. (For patients outside the Charlotte area, I have opened my practice up to provide “one-time consults” as well as family practice telemedicine to patients all over the country. I have the experience and the dedication to provide the best family practice care to my patients, wherever they reside.)Another way my practice is unique: I am COMFORTABLE WITH ALTERNATIVE REMEDIES |
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I am just an ordinary Western-trained physician. I’m not a naturopath or a chiropractor or an herb expert. But I am far more skilled in my recommendations of non-FDA-approved remedies than your average physician. If you don’t take my medical advice, you won’t get judgment or condescension from me. As a matter of fact, I was one of only about 500 physicians in the nation were willing to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychlorquine for COVID-19 infections at the peaks of the pandemic. With 92 medical studies from around the world proving the safety and efficacy of ivermectin at reducing the morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 infection, I thought it was unethical not to. It is one of the safest drugs known. It is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, has been given over 3.7 billion times around the globe, and has won the Nobel prize for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world. The benefits of ivermectin in COVID-19 are impossible to deny from a scientific basis. Watch this ten minute clip of Pierre Kory, M.D., one of the founders of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, speaking to the Senate about the benefits of Ivermectin in COVID-19. Watch this 20-minute clip of cardiologist Peter McCullough, M.D., one of the most published cardiologists in the world, discussing the evidence of these non-FDA approved therapies for COVID-19. Abandoning scientific facts of the benefits of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for censorship and dogmatic vaccine indoctrination has cost millions of Americans their lives.The government healthcare bureaucracies’ relentless campaign to condemn non-FDA approved therapies for COVID-19 is misplaced. They had early on committed to a strategy of vaccination to eradicate COVID-19 and didn’t want patients to take hope in ineffective home remedies against this deadly disease, but once the evidence started pouring in about the efficacy of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to reduce the hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19, and the devastating number of side effects and the general inefficacy of the vaccines, they should have had an open mind and re-visited the strategy. Instead, it became an issue of politics and pride. The physicians at the helm of the government medical bureaucracies shut their ears to the evidence and displayed a militant stupidity more akin to the snake-oil peddlers and leech-catchers of the middle-ages than open-minded scientists of the modern era. One physician complained to the medical board that I dared to prescribe ivermectin to a patient for COVID-19. The doctor wanted them to penalize me. But within a week, one of the physicians on the medical board contacted me for ivermectin for his COVID infection! He publicly condemned ivermectin to stay in the good graces of the CDC and his fellow board members, but when he got sick, in spite of his vaccine and booster status being up-to-date, he had an honest look at the evidence and decided to consult me to prescribe ivermectin for him. (Do you have ivermectin on hand should you get infected with COVID-19 in the future? Order a “One-Time Consult” now and secure your ivermectin for you and your loved ones today.)My openness to alternative remedies is one of the things I think my patients appreciate about me the most. My fellow doctors think I’m crazy for it, but another way in which my practice is unique is that: MY PATIENTS GET MY DIRECT CELL PHONE |
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“Who does that? Are you crazy?!”That’s what a fellow physician said when I told him I gave my patients my personal cell phone. I’m keenly aware of the frustration of patients not being able to contact their family doctor in a timely manner when they have an emergency, or not being able to get worked into his or her busy schedule and therefore having to go to the E.R. or Urgent Care for a long wait and a big bill.I hope my patients take it as an indicator that I care for them. That I long to meet their medical needs in a timely manner. That I want to be there for them when they go into labor in childbirth, when their child suffers with strep throat on the weekend, or when they endure an untimely death of a loved one. I want to be there for them. (Sign up for my family practice, or order a “One-Time Consult” now.)Another way my practice is unique: I am comfortable with HOME-BIRTHING & HOME-SCHOOLING |
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The photograph above is not of my family, but nine of my ten biological children have been birthed at home and both of my wife Amber’s sons were home-birthed, and the cheerfulness in this photo is typical. Your home is comfortable. It’s safe. Laboring women thrive in an environment where their pregnancy is not treated as a disease. It was during my first obstetrics rotation in medical school that I began to look seriously into home-birthing. I did not appreciate the physician-centered focus of hospital Labor & Delivery suites. The routine denial of food and drink, the routine procedures that increased risk to the mother and the baby with no documentable benefit, the reliance on unnatural medication to remedy natural childbirth pain, the high C-section rates, and the general attitude among staff that pregnancy should be treated like a disease. Obstetricians are trained to reach for the scalpel too quickly, and they are financially awarded for being overly aggressive with episiotomies and C-section surgeries. Why should we be surprised that the profession responsible for a million deaths a year by abortion should view pregnancy as a disease, not health? Hospitals are for sick people, not healthy people. I am convinced that labor and delivery of healthy mothers and babies should best be done under the care of a midwife. The times when I assisted with the birthing of my children in my home remain some of the most deeply spiritual moments of my life! If you’re curious about homebirthing, check out Ricki Lake’s documentary on homebirthing entitled, The Business of Being Born. (I also am a firm believer in home-schooling, and that is another thing many of my patients share in common and appreciate about me.)Those are some of the unique things about my family practice. To join, visit YourHomeMedicalCare.com, click “New Patients”, sign up and make an appointment. Or order a “One-Time Consult” today.If you’d like to receive Dr. Johnston’s e-newsletter, text the word JOHNSTON to the number 22828. |
Respectfully,James P. Johnston, D.O.YourHomeMedicalCare.comP.S. Please forward this article onto others to let them know about my practice. For social media sites, copy and past this link — https://conta.cc/3X0tyPH |