EXCLUSIVE: Trump Releases Video Ripping ‘Weaponization’ Of US Justice System

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April 13, 202312:31 PM ET
Former President Donald Trump will release a video Thursday slamming the “weaponization” of the U.S. justice system, the Daily Caller has learned.
“There is no more dire threat to the American way of life than the corruption and weaponization of our justice system. And it’s happening all around us. If we cannot restore the fair and impartial rule of law, we will not be a free country. As President, it will be my personal mission to restore the scales of justice in America. We want fairness and equality under the law. And to that end, I will appoint US attorneys, who will be the polar opposite of the Soros, district attorneys and others that are being appointed throughout the United States, very unfair to our population very unfair to our country. They will be the 100 most ferocious legal warriors against crime and communist corruption that this country has ever seen. As we completely overhaul the Federal Department of Justice and FBI, we will also launch sweeping civil rights investigations into boxes, local district attorneys, and that’s why we have. They are Marxists in many cases.,” Trump said in the video.
“By refusing to charge capitalist crimes, the Soros prosecutors appear to be engaging in selective enforcement based on illegal racial discrimination. In Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles and every other city where these maniacs have taken over. The DA’s offices should face federal subpoenas of their staff, their emails and their records to determine whether they are blatantly violating federal civil rights law. As part of this effort, there should be a federal inquiry entered the service prosecutor, Austin, Texas, who charged the veteran with murder for defending himself against a threat by a heavily armed member of the radical left mob. I will also order the Department of Justice to establish a task force of protecting the right to self defense which is under siege nationwide. In addition, we will have a complete investigation of police state tactics by federal authorities to arrest conservatives. We will find out who ordered it and we will hold them totally accountable,” Trump continued.
“There is much more that we must do, we have to confront this radicalized law in schools. You take a look at what they have done to our schools, our beautiful schools. We have to reform the far left Bar Association’s and stop the purge of conservative lawyers from major law firms. I will do whatever it takes to save our legal system among the greatest achievements of Western civilization from the Marxist barbarians who seek to destroy it, and we will do that we will save it.,” Trump added.