Editors note: They riot, and loot, sealing a thriving Community from good people. The majority of people do not condone what is happening. The result is a poorer more depressed Area in the aftermath. If Black lives really matter...
What the Supreme Court’s Ruling Means for Transgender Bathrooms in Schools 08.06.16 Written by Kelsey Harkness The U.S. Supreme Court signaled an interest in taking on the transgender bathroom debate on Wednesday, granting a Virginia school system temporary permission to keep its...
‘You’ve Been Silenced,’ Trump Tells Pastors As He Vows To Get Christians’ Voice Back "If I get elected ..." Jack Davis August 12, 2016 at 4:15pm Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told Christian leaders Thursday that under his presidency, people who have...
All Americans Deserve Safety Newt Gingrich 8/11/2016 Last week, the city of Chicago released a video of the events surrounding the death of 18-year-old Paul O’Neal, an unarmed young man shot in the back by police after allegedly stealing a car...
Will County fears impact of state's fiscal woes State Senators Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant, D-Plainfield, and Mike Connelly, R-Naperville, discuss the state's fiscal woes with Will County's legislative committee. (Susan DeMar Lafferty / Daily Southtown) Susan DeMar LaffertyContact ReporterDaily Southtown 8/11/2016 Two state senators...
Julian Assange hints that murdered DNC staffer had leaked documents to WikiLeaks Posted on August 10, 2016 by Personal Liberty News DeskViews: 1,808 231 Shares After Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Conrad Rich was found murdered in Washington, D.C. in early July,...
UN Control of Law Enforcement in the US by S. Noble • August 8, 2016 Laura Ingraham posted a story on her website this past week by Robert Romano about the UN’s call for the nationalization of the US police as outlined by Barack...
Editors Note: Clinton's are above the law so far. The US. attorney from N.Y. may change this finally. Lie after lie to the FBI, Congress, and the American people go without any consequence. The Clinton political protection rivals that of...
POLITICS WikiLeaks’ Email Exposes Billionaire Globalist Soros as Hillary Clinton’s Puppet Master By: Jay Syrmopoulos via thefreethoughtproject.com Washington, D.C. – Contained within WikiLeaks’ recent release of hacked DNC emails is a message from billionaire globalist financier George Soros, to Hillary Clinton while...
War on Taxpayers: Illinois’ Rigged Elections By Pat Hughes   Long before Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz were colluding with MSNBC to tilt the Democratic Presidential Primary to Hillary, the Chicago Machine was manipulating the outcome of election after election after election....