Merkel like Obama blames the innocent country that offers a helping hand. Don't be afraid is a stupid answer from a head of State. Obama says the same thing when he suggests the world is a safer place. These...
As the Democratic National Convention kicks off today, we decided to get Hillary Clinton supporters on-the-record about the progressive principles of equal treatment and equality of outcome... and how they apply to the Democrat nominee for President. Try to Follow the Logic....
This is informational and worth watching. Clinton's are for themselves not the American people or any other people The latest caught in a lie for Hilary Clinton is not even discussed by the so called experts on TV. The Democrat National Committee was biased against Sanders from the start. Hilary was to be the savior to come...
Nice Brings To Mind Operation Gladio July 18, 2016 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |  Print This Article Nice Brings To Mind Operation Gladio Paul Craig Roberts Commentators who have learned to distrust official explanations, such as Peter Koenig ( ) and...
Illinois Policy 7/22/2016 Politicians’ quick answer to the state’s problems is consistently to raise taxes, but evidence shows tax hikes are a negative for families struggling in a state already lacking opportunity. Illinoisans are all too familiar with tax hikes. Chicago...
Aldermen dispute mayor’s claim that refugee resettlement application was made public By Bruce Parker  /   July 20, 2016  /     Photo courtesy of Rutland City Hall MORE SECRECY?: Rutland Mayor Chris Louras says that the availability of the city’s refugee resettlement...
Property-tax hikes have caused taxes on NBA star Dwyane Wade’s former house to more than triple, driving away prospective buyers and showing the harm Illinois’ sky-high property-tax rates inflict on homeowners. Dwyane Wade’s return to his hometown to play for...
Illinois lawmakers earn base salaries of nearly $68,000 for what is essentially part-time work. The past year has been a rough one for many Illinoisans. During the recent budget impasse, residents were inundated with stories of anguish throughout the state. And...
Posted on July 20, 2016 by John Myers Catch-22: Guns, violence and race in America The progressives are ignoring two grave risks to Americans; domestic violence and Islamic terror. At the same time they want to make us more vulnerable by...