From: To: Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2016 1:50:20 PM Subject: ALERT!  Please Call your Representatives on 'anti-terror' package & Kate's law House GOP to Promote Muslim Brotherhood, Gun Control Agenda this Week In case you thought congressional Republicans would be infused...
Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan’s first political splash had nothing to do with policy. It wasn’t a blueprint for a better state. It wasn’t middle-class jobs growth. It wasn’t a successful welfare program. It was cartography. Political mapmaking is how Madigan...
Welcome to the Titanic – Would you like some ice with that Kool Aid? David A. Lombardo July 3, 2016 I don’t know about you but I’m pretty much fed up with the way things are going in the world. While...
By Shirley Jolley   from 7/3/2016 Post Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam inAmerica. • All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the bible are banned in schools. • All of a...
'Gun Free' Zone Tennessee Business Liable for Disarming Concealed Carry Holders "This bill imposes a duty of care." 7.1.2016 News Paul Bois Tennessee law now dictates that businesses wishing to create a "gun-free zone" will be held liable for the safety of concealed carry...
  Editors note: The Public sector employees get more money better benefits & pension never getting laid off at the expense of tax increases for all citizens. Private sector unions lay their people off, and if the pay gets too...
British Independence Day By Geoffrey Pike Written Friday, July 1, 2016 As Americans get ready to celebrate Independence Day on July 4 with fireworks and cookouts, the British have just declared their own independence. It all happened on June 23, although the...
NJ Woman Killed by Ex-Boyfriend While Awaiting Gun Permit By Tom Hudson on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 · TOM HUDSON This story never saw the light of day on CNN or MSNBC. Bloomberg and his army of clones won’t be retelling this...
After Bill Clinton Met With Attorney General, DOJ Delays Release of Clinton Emails — 2 Years Posted on July 1, 2016 by Claire Bernish D.C.Clothesline Just days after Bill Clinton met privately with Attorney General Loretta Lynch in her jet in Phoenix,...