Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint on How To Build A Conservative Movement On this week’s Against The Current, former U.S. Senator and current President of the Heritage Foundation, Jim DeMint sits down with Dan Proft to discuss the state of...
Americans for Prosperity Illinois continued its focus on fighting higher property taxes by joining with taxpayers to defeat 14 local referenda in Tuesday's election that would have hiked taxes. AFP was active in 29 tax-related referenda throughout Illinois which...
Russian Intelligence- Have they sent you a LinkedIn invitation? Jun 3, 2015 In my recent post, ‘Russian’s Increasing Intelligence Activities’, I listed 14 countries in western and eastern Europe where Russia’s intelligence services are making a concerted effort to obtain information....
Socialism, and Capitalism, in the Americas: Lessons from Brazil 3/14/2016  Washington Outsider In the wake of the 2008-2009 Great Recession, growing economic disparity, and the all-around failure of capitalist policies to serve the interests of average people, socialism has grown in...
  By Steve Balich 3/16/2016 The Homer Township Property Tax Referendum passed by 87% of the vote demanding local Boards stop raising our property Taxes without asking taxpayers first with a Referendum. I want to thank all those who voted, helped...
POSTED AT 5:01 PM ON MARCH 13, 2016 BY JAZZ SHAW Science! (Is economics really a science? I’ve long felt it should be taught alongside astrology or some related field.) In any event, the continent sized Petri dish which is...
BREAKING: TERRORIST BILL AYERS PROTESTS DONALD TRUMP IN CHICAGO Jim Hoft Mar 11th, 2016 6:35 pm 734 Comments Obama buddy and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was seen protesting Donald Trump in Chicago today. Thousands of leftwing protesters were expected today to protest...
Posted on March 14, 2016 by Sam Rolley Military spending oversight, not increases, should be top priority for candidates Far too often, people who fancy themselves conservatives betray their small government sentiments by treating military spending as a sacred cow that...
Why the war was not about slavery Posted on March 11, 2016 by The Abbeville ReviewViews: 6,416 2.2K Shares This column first appeared at the Abbeville Institute website. Conventional wisdom of the moment tells us that the great war of 1861—1865 was “about”...
Posted on March 11, 2016 by Sam Rolley Obama administration moves to formalize annihilation of the 4th Amendment It’s no secret that communications data gathered by the National Security Agency has, contrary to government assurances, been used by domestic law enforcement...