For black families, is the civil rights struggle over and the economic struggle taking center stage? Will such a transition bring new leaders to the fore? On this week’s Against The Current (ATC), venerable ABC-7 Political Reporter Charles Thomas argues...
America’s 60-year transformation from economic juggernaut to credit junkie Posted on February 3, 2016 by John Myers   That bang you heard this week was the starter gun in the race for the presidency. Common to each campaign is that each candidate promises he or...
Feb 5, 2016 Source: AAN by: AAN Staff What has President Obama's commitment to a lawless border wrought? For one, the expedited import of dangerous gang members to middle America. As the Washington Examiner reports: Criminal networks with Latin American roots, such...
Posted on February 3, 2016 by Bob Livingston The scare du jour from the medical men and women in the higher echelons of the government/medical cartel is the Zika virus. Already there are calls to speed the development of a vaccine...
Fourth Circuit Gets It Right on Maryland's Assault Weapon Ban David A. Lombardo My profound thanks to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Finally someone gets that the modern sporting rifle is arguably the poster child for the Second Amendment. Today's AR-15-and whatever...
The Taxpayers Can Win if We Vote March 15th   To early vote Call Will County Clerk 815-740-4626 and ask for a ballot to be mailed or online at My name is Steve Balich. I have been advocating for elected...
When the alpha dog leaves the House: Life after Speaker Madigan House Speaker Mike Madigan answers questions from the media following a news conference in reaction to Gov. Bruce Rauner's second State of the State speech on Jan. 27, 2016,...
Posted on February 4, 2016 by Bob Livingston When voluntary is no longer voluntary You live in a police state Employers can now force employees to take work-sponsored health assessments and biometric screenings against their will, a federal judge in Madison, Wisconsin...
http:// The Left is Pushing Hard Against Privacy Bills Written By Laurie Higgins The Leftist effort to sever objective immutable sex differences from both meaning and cultural recognition and to promote the fiction that one’s sex can change marches on. Within hours of...
U.S. State Department Announce Changes to the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 28 January 2016 Reed Smith Client Alerts Author(s): Donald P. Moore, Kayaan Unwalla, Sai S. Pidatala   On January 21, 2016, the United States State Department...