Everything the Left believes is complete fiction… “mass hallucinations” are now the bedrock of left-wing politics
November 2018 by: Mike Adams
Tags: delusions, fairy tales, fantasy, fiction, left cult, Liberal Mob, lunatics, mass hallucinations, stupid
(Natural News) Listening to the daily hysteria of the left-wing media is a lesson in just how...
Trump Was Right, Paris Climate Deal Creates 'Hot Air'
Nick Kangadis , @TruthOfChicago
November. 2018
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPGEv-hB050]
Remember when President Trump received all that hate from climate alarmists for dropping out of the Paris Climate agreement? A new study shows that not only will most of...
“Global dimming” scheme unveiled: Scientists want to chemtrail the atmosphere with SMOG in the name of “saving the planet”
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: atmosphere, badpollution, badscience, chemtrails, climate change, climate fanatics, climate lunatics, climate manipulation, climate science, conspiracy proven, conspiracy theories, environment, geoengineering, global dimming, global warming, Harvard, junk science, lies, natural sunlight, photosynthesis, science clowns, smog, stupid, sunlight, Ultraviolet, vitamin D, Yale
(Natural News) Many...
From the Daily Caller
2:16 PM 11/28/2018 | ENERGY
Michael Bastasch | Energy Editor
EPA Chief Andrew Wheeler suggested the Obama administration pushed...
Trump is correct, forest mismanagement contributed California wildfire devastation Government rarely does anything well except contribute to human misery, and the images of the fire-ravaged landscape and reports of death and human suffering in California are stark and deadly reminders...
How carbon dioxide benefits the planet with accelerated reforestation, improved crop growth and re-greening
Friday, November 23, 2018 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: agriculture, carbon dioxide, climate fanatics, CO2, crop growth, cropland, crops, Cult of Climate Change, Ecology, ecosystem, ecosystems, environ, environment, farming, fertilization, food supply, forests, global warming, goodscience, natural habitats, Planet, Productivity, rainfall, re-greening, real science, reforestation, report, vegetation, water
(Natural News) One of the quintessential doctrines of the Cult of...
Climate Change Alarmism Is the World’s Leading Cause of Hot Gas
David Harsanyi / @davidharsanyi
Those gathered at the United Nations climate change summit in Poland receive stark warnings about the Earth's impending doom, though the same false alarms have been sounded...
The current tax plan is a disaster and needs to be reformed for all Americans. President Donald J. Trump is committed to bringing historic tax relief to the American people based on four key ideas – cutting taxes for...
NEWS | APRIL 8, 2016
NASA Study Solves Two Mysteries About Wobbling Earth
Earth does not always spin on an axis running through its poles. Instead, it wobbles irregularly over time, drifting toward North America throughout most of the 20th Century (green...
Photo Provided by G2 Crowd
Steve Balich Editors note: Could the the change in temperature be due to the shift of the Earth's Axis. The link will explain one theory from NASA. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=6332
The True Cost of Going Electric, Climate Change's Impact...