WHAT AND WHY IS ‘WOKE?’  What and Why is ‘Woke?’  BY PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, MICHAEL BAKER  JUNE 2, 2023  PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY, VACCINES  9 https://play.ht/embed/?article_url=https://brownstone.org/?p=23484&voice=en-US-GuyNeural&appId=XCST8pha_y_&trans_id=-NWySBzN7z5MSsP11YV-
By  Hank Berrien •  DailyWire.com Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) warned Fox News that Matt Walsh’s report that the cable...
Open Border Catastrophe is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America that I Learned at Columbia University – Alongside My Classmate Barack Obama May 12, 2023
Climate activists from the #GasFreeNYC coalition and elected officials rallied before the city council passed an ordinance that ended...
A Single Tesla Battery Production Causes Pollution (CO2) Equivalent to 8 Years of Gas Engine Emissions ByPurnima Rathi Last Updated: April 27,...
JOHN HUGH DEMASTRICONTRIBUTOR April 28, 202310:34 AM ET The House passed a resolution Friday morning to repeal President Joe Biden’s moratorium on solar panel tariffs to...
Amish Farmer Threatened for Not Giving Up Traditional Farming HEALTH VIEWPOINTS Joseph Mercola Apr 13 2023
ELECTRIC CARS Georgia Is Shoveling Cash Into a Failing Electric Vehicle Company In 2021, the state of Georgia made an expensive bet on an unproven company that could be headed...
All the hydrogen vehicles available for purchase By Ronan GlonJune 1, 2020SHARE Electric cars aren’t the only zero-emissions vehicles...
THE GHOSTS OF SCIENCE PAST The Ghosts of Science Past BY DANIEL NUCCIO  FEBRUARY 20, 2023  MEDIA, PHILOSOPHY  15 MINUTE READ https://play.ht/embed/?article_url=https://brownstone.org/?p=20287&voice=en-US-GuyNeural&appId=XCST8pha_y_&trans_id=-NOjWaMVkJaWQtzH-0sZ