Breakthrough Alert - Illinois House and Senate Democrats Marxists Working in The Dark Against you late last night, both the Illinois House and Senate worked against the good people in Illinois. The fight is not over,...
Don't let anyone destroy our culture and history in the name of raceism
Why Google’s extreme bias against conservative content is even more dangerous than communist China’s police state censorship Thursday, December 06, 2018 by: Vicki Batts Tags: authoritarianism, bias, Big Tech, Censorship, communist China, conservatives, dangerous tech, free speech, Glitch, Google, information control, Left-wing, liberals, Liberty, police state, privacy watch, surveillance, tech giants, technocrats, thought police, Tyranny (Natural News) Big Tech’s slow drift into full blown...

Dumb Things Dems Said in Sex Ed Floor DebateWritten By Laurie Higgins Don’t let the word “debate” in the term “floor debate” fool you. Floor debates in...
JW On Issue: Uncovering Corruption in the Mueller Inquisition November 29, 2018 Government corruption doesn’t end with a change in administrations. The DOJ is protecting the Mueller probe–and Mueller is operating without proper oversight. That’s where Judicial Watch comes in… [youtube] RELATED...
How the baby boomers — not millennials — screwed America “The boomers inherited a rich, dynamic country and have gradually bankrupted it." By Sean  December 2017 Hippies dancing during an anti-war demonstration staged by the Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in...
Jonathan Butcher / @JM_Butcher / Mike Gonzalez / @Gundisalvus /  An Educator Advisory Council to the Democratic governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer—seen here on Oct. 16 in Southfield, Mich.—produced a report called...
Democrats now pushing many of the same socialist policies that destroyed Venezuela By Justin Haskins | Fox News Protests against the Nicolas Maduro regime in Caracas, Venezuela on Wednesday, Jan 23 2019 (Fox News) Venezuela is once again in a state of economic and political chaos. Juan...
Victor Davis Hanson / @VDHanson /  Two men running on a snow covered street past a banner displaying Vladimir Lenin, Russia in July 1971. (Photo: Jill M. Dougherty/Getty...
Every day, Will County Republican Chair George Pearson receives phone calls from voters over the uncertainty of the November election.  One example is from the Mayor of Crete, IL, Michael Einhorn, and staunch Independent leader....