John G. Malcolm / @malcolm_john / Zack Smith / @tzsmith / April 03, 2020 / 16 Comments The FBI may well have undermined the intelligence community’s ability to use some FISA-related tools in the future....
Daniel Davis / @JDaniel_Davis /  #deepstate #justice #doublestandard #sbalich #twill #tcot #maga #leadright #FBI #DOJ #CIA #corruption "When you think that the FBI...
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVERSATIONS Trader Joe by M. E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution” Note:  this is one of a series of columns on the American...
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVERSATIONS Our Nation’s Two-hundred and Forty-Fourth Birthday                                     by        M. E. Boyd, Esq., “Miss Constitution” Excerpts of a... Eyes Right Open Radio Show Saturdays 5pm WIND AM560 The AnswerBy Steve Balich Eyes Right Open is a group dedicated to turning Illinois Red. This means getting...
#twill #tcot #maga #sbalich #leadright #Constitution #guns #2ndamendment Virginia senator issues dire warning ahead of pro-gun rally, says gun rights supporters are being 'set up'
By Newt Gingrich Why We Celebrate the Fourth of July The Fourth of July is the most important political holiday in the world. In fact, it should be a universal holiday. Independence Day commemorates not just an American revolution but a revolution...
David Harsanyi / @davidharsanyi /  Sen. Elizabeth Warren, pictured on March 3 in Detroit, has already proposed mandating automatic and same-day voter registration, ending ID requirements, compelling states to have 15 days of...
Activists hold "Black Lives Matter" signs in a file photo. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) VIEWPOINTS Republicans: Stop Pandering to the ‘Diversity’ Fetish—Rediscover Your Principles Trevor Loudon CONTRIBUTOR   The Republican Party top brass is all in a dither. The “diversity” of the Republican congressional delegation is shrinking. The recently...
Says his testimony wouldn't have changed the outcome of the trial John Bolton breaks his silence: Democrats' impeachment of President Trump was 'grossly partisan'