What Both the Left and Right Miss About Work in America Bill Walton [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJo538Uhsw8?rel=0&enablejsapi=1] Bill Walton@WmBillWalton William L. Walton is the host of "The Bill Walton Show." He is the founder and chairman of Rappahannock Ventures LLC, a private equity firm,...
The Woke Moral Panic of Today Ben Shapiro When you're funny, as defined by the Wokescolds, you don't have to be funny. You just have to be woke, like Australian comedian Hannah Gadsby. (Photo: Mario Anzuoni/REUTERS/Newscom) Ben Shapiro is host of...
Pulling Young Americans Back From the Brink Daniel Davis / @JDaniel_Davis / Students at New York University hold a rally declaring their campus a sanctuary campus, Nov. 17, 2016. (Photo: Pacific Press/Sipa USA/Newscom) Daniel Davis is the commentary editor of The Daily Signal and...
Steve Balich Editors Note:  While  there are times investigations are necessary, it is illogical to give a prosecutor the ability to go after anything outside of a set parameter. The prosecutor decides the parameters and spends time and money...
Obama’s School Discipline Guidance Could Be Doomed. Here’s Why That’s Great News. Jonathan Butcher  The Obama administration issued guidance that made it difficult for schools to discipline students according to need. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque /Reuters/Newscom) COMMENTARY BY Jonathan Butcher@JM_Butcher Jonathan Butcher is a senior...
Democrats Question Judicial Nominee About Membership in Catholic Association Kevin Daley  Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., asked a judicial nominee if he was aware that the leadership of the Knights of Columbus opposes gay marriage. Pictured: Harris discusses the Democrats Diversity Initiative on...
Colorado Is Still Trying to Destroy Jack Phillips David Harsanyi  Jack Phillips decorates a cake in his Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado, Sept. 21, 2017. (Photo: Rick Wilking/Reuters/Newscom) COMMENTARY BY David Harsanyi@davidharsanyi David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist and the author...
What Bill Buckley Would Say to Conservatives Today Lee Edwards William F. Buckley's National Review magazine helped forge the new conservative consensus of the 20th century. (Photo: Richard Gilmore/Zuma Press/Newscom) Lee Edwards is the distinguished fellow in conservative thought at The...
We Hear You: Conservatives and Liberals, Thoughts and Prayers, God and Guns Ken McIntyre / @KenMac55 A woman mourns at a memorial event in Beijing, China, for the victims of the mass murder Nov. 7 in Thousand Oaks, California. (Photo: Li Ying/Chine...
The Right Way to Overhaul Our Health Care System Genevieve Wood / @genevievewood https://youtu.be/BtEdYly-97g [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtEdYly-97g?rel=0&enablejsapi=1]   Genevieve Wood advances policy priorities of The Heritage Foundation as senior contributor to The Daily Signal. Send an email to Genevieve. One thing most Americans agree on is that our...