The Republicans took of the House with with a mandate to stop Obamacare funding. They did not even try; as I now see the Democrats stopping the wall with control of only the House. Republicans were told we need...
Vince Coglianese: Whole Point of Mueller Probe to Destroy Trump's Legitimacy
In this installment of “Judicial Watch: Inside Report,” Bruce Schlesman joins Vince Coglianese, Editorial Director of “The Daily Caller,” to discuss the latest developments with the Mueller operation into...
Canadian government says anyone giving birth to live humans is a threat to the planet… promotes abortion and infertility
Wednesday, December 12, 2018 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: abortion, badclimate, badscience, Canada, CBC, CBC News, children, climate change, depopulation, Donald Trump, emissions savings, environment, Environmental Research Letters, eugencis, geoengineering, Georgia Guidestones, global warming, globalist, hyposcrisy, immigrants, Infertility, population control, University of British Columbia
(Natural News) The Canadian...
Qanon December 21, 2018 - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America
Channel 4 News
Published on May 14, 2016
Cathy Newman's full interview with Philosopher Noam Chomsky. From Trump and Clinton, to climate change, Brexit and TPP, America's foremost intellectuals presents...
Money, Support for Migrant ‘Caravans’ Flow Through Chicago
Steve Balich Editors note: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Caharites and other religious charities are getting millions of Federal dollars to illegally help these illegals come here.
Kevin Mooney
Migrants on their way to the...
Ocasio-Cortez Is Wrong About ‘Death Panels’
Justin Haskins The Daily Signal
Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., compared private-sector insurance companies to government "death panels." (Photo: SteveSands /NewYorkNewswire/MEGA/Newscom)
Justin Haskins is executive editor and a research fellow at The Heartland Institute and editor-in-chief of...
Students Want to Remove the Name of Clarence Thomas From Building, but Can’t Say Why
Rachel del Guidice /
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas grew up poor near Savannah, Georgia, where some students advocate removing his name from a building at...
Supreme Court’s Refusal to Hear Planned Parenthood Case Is a Missed Opportunity
Elizabeth Slattery The Daily Signal
The Supreme Court fell one vote shy of the necessary four required to hear the case. (Photo: Sean Pavone/Getty Images)
Elizabeth Slattery writes about the...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist
Steve Balich Editors Note: When the Republicans controlled the House nothing like this was ever even brought up. Conservative could not grasp why the House could not...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist
Hundreds in new U.S.-bound migrant caravan cross into Guatemala
AGUA CALIENTE, Guatemala (Reuters) - Several...