JW On Issue: Uncovering Corruption in the Mueller Inquisition
November 29, 2018
Government corruption doesn’t end with a change in administrations. The DOJ is protecting the Mueller probe–and Mueller is operating without proper oversight. That’s where Judicial Watch comes in…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHp02DOnP9g?feature=oembed]
Balich 'appalled' that Dems might cancel board meeting prayers
by Glenn Minnis | Nov 30, 2018 The Will County Gazette
Will County Board member Steve Balich read that county Democrats, who now hold a 24-12 majority on the board, might want to do away...
The assault on republicanism
Posted on November 2018 by Bob Livingston
“To say that majorities, as such, have a right to rule minorities, is equivalent to saying that minorities have, and ought to have, no rights, except such as majorities please to allow them.” —...
“Global dimming” scheme unveiled: Scientists want to chemtrail the atmosphere with SMOG in the name of “saving the planet”
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 by: Ethan Huff
Tags: atmosphere, badpollution, badscience, chemtrails, climate change, climate fanatics, climate lunatics, climate manipulation, climate science, conspiracy proven, conspiracy theories, environment, geoengineering, global dimming, global warming, Harvard, junk science, lies, natural sunlight, photosynthesis, science clowns, smog, stupid, sunlight, Ultraviolet, vitamin D, Yale
(Natural News) Many...
Gun grabbers going nuclear
Posted on November 2018 by Ben Crystal
The anti-liberty movement has pretty conclusively demonstrated that they’re completely unhinged at this point. Between their twisted glee at turning shooting victims into carrion for their rage or touting ludicrous statistics which defy...
A Judicial Watch Exclusive:
ICYMI – The Real Story Behind the Illegal Alien Invasion
In view of the mounting tension – and the mainstream media’s mounting complicity…
As thousands of militant, illegal alien invaders storm our border…
I absolutely do NOT want you...
By Bob Livingston
Modern mind control is a very sophisticated process that prepares the public mind to act in support of "the system" at the expense of the individual and personal privacy and liberty. We write about this often because...
Outrageous: Child Fights Back Against Sexual Predator, And Now She’s Behind Bars
Imagine the horror women who are sexually abused go through. The trauma. The fear. The powerlessness.
One local woman decided she had enough, so she decided to fight back...
7-Year-Old Boy Who Lived As A Girl Was Removed From His Home… And Guess What Happened Next
From Mommy Underground October 2017
The LGBT community has set their target on America’s most vulnerable population – innocent children.
Determined to force their way...
Steve Balich Editors note: The United States is supposed to stand for the rule of law which means U. S. law not foreign or religious. I see violations of Federal Law with such things as Sanctuary Cities, Marijuana, taxes,...