To Panic or Not to Panic?
By Jason Williams
Written Friday, August 25, 2017
It's baaaaack. The debt ceiling, that is...
You’ve likely been seeing a lot of headlines about the debt ceiling these past few days. We actually hit the ceiling back in...
Illinois State Rifle Association Constitutional Rights Fundraiser
September 14th, 2017
Clarion Hotel, 411 South Larkin Ave, Joliet, IL
6:00 pm, Doors open / Cocktails
6:45 Dinner
Once a year, ISRA Member and Will County Board Member Steve Balich hosts a fundraiser for the Illinois...
Jury says ‘no thanks’ to tyranny in Bundy standoff case
Posted on August 23, 2017 by Sam Rolley
A jury this week handed an embarrassing defeat to federal prosecutors working to imprison four men the government accused of taking up arms against federal agents...
Trump administration kills 2nd Amendment regulatory scheme
Posted on August 21, 2017 by Sam Rolley
President Donald Trump’s Justice Department just did away with “Operation Choke Point,” an Obama-era regulatory scheme designed to make it difficult for firearm and ammunition manufacturers and sellers to...
Al Gore’s hot air can’t change climate science
Posted on August 21, 2017 by Sam Rolley
A little more than a decade after his initial inconvenient truths failed to come to fruition, former Vice President Al Gore released a sequel to the “documentary” largely responsible for...
Steve Balich Editor Note:
I don't get what the Governor, Senate, and House is thinking! The illegal immigration is a huge issue costing an over taxed citizenship more and more money in education, healthcare, food stamps, prisons, police, and on...
Thanks to water rule, feds fine farmer millions for… plowing fields
Posted on August 15, 2017 by Sam Rolley
A California farmer headed to court Tuesday to fight back against around $15 million in government extortion fines. The fines were levied against him in...
Things Fall Apart: Racists vs. Anarchists
Written By Laurie Higgins
I was hoping not to step into the sticky wicket that the Charlottesville protest, counter-protest, and attack created. All discussions of fault or causation carry the risk of being labeled a bigot...
DuPage County Board Member Tonia Khouri Announces Candidacy for State Representative in 49th District
Incumbent Rep. Mike Fortner is not seeking reelection
Tonia Khouri seeks to put her experience saving millions of dollars for DuPage County residents to much-needed use in...
ISRA Thursday Bulletin - August 17, 2017
Executive Directors Message
Congresswomen Kathleen Rice (D-4 NY) believes that the NRA, which would include me and most of you, is a threat to domestic security. When visiting her website, it is obvious that...