More Immigrant Children in U.S. Illegally to Receive Health Care
California Sen. Ricardo Lara speaks at a rally where health care and immigrant rights advocates celebrated the expansion of Medi-Cal to children. RICH PEDRONCELLI / AP PHOTO
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By The Pew Charitable Trusts
Less immigration means more American jobs, higher wages
Posted on August 7, 2017 by Special To Personal Liberty
More than half a century after the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, and 30 years after the Immigration Reform and Control Act, U.S. Senators Tom Cotton...
Here Is The Alias Email Account Loretta Lynch Used As Attorney General
9:32 AM 08/07/2017
Like her predecessor, Eric Holder, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used an email alias to conduct government business, The Daily Caller has confirmed.
Several of Lynch’s...
Trump administration to tackle racist college admission programs
Posted on August 2, 2017 by Sam Rolley
The Trump administration Department of Justice is preparing to use funding from the agency’s civil rights division to investigate whether affirmative action policies in university admissions intentionally discriminate...
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Governor Rauner has used his amendatory veto on Democrats' School Funding Bill. They say that Rauner and Republicans are hostile to Chicago schoolchildren.
Has Democrat rhetoric on school-funding changed at all in the past 40 years? What's next for...
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16:1 - Who Defeated Health Reform?
Originally published at Fox News.
Three Republican senators have been the focus of all the anger over the failure of the Obamacare repeal effort, but it is time to consider a different analysis – and...
ISRA Thursday Bulletin - August 3, 2017
Executive Directors Message
Concealed Carry permits in the United States have risen to 16.3 million. This number does not count people who live in constitutional carry states or open carry states. How many of...
by NEIL MUNRO2 Aug 20177,424
President Donald Trump today joined with two GOP Senators to introduce his merit-based immigration reform, which is designed to help millions of Americans hurt by the nation’s current cheap-labor immigration policies.
The RAISE Act “will reduce poverty, increase...
The globalist one world currency will be very similar to bitcoin
Posted on July 2017 by Brandon Smith
This week the International Monetary Fund shocked some economic analysts with an announcement that America was “no longer first in the world” as a major economic...