Deregulation is Driving Success Newt Gingrich July 2017 Democrats and their friends in the media will do anything they can to distract and discreditPresident Donald Trump and Republicans, but not one of them can reasonably deny the massive success of the Trump-led...
This New Gun Ban Will Hurt Families Everywhere  From Mommy Underground July 2017 Liberals are known for making controversial leftist policies which threaten traditional family values. But their latest move not only aligns with their leftist views, it endangers the lives of...
The week’s news that wasn’t Posted on July 26, 2017 by Jay Baker 35 Shares   Rebutting, rephrasing, resisting and unmasking the most socialistic, propagandistic, deadliest and partisan fakeries in the week’s fake news. We are all socialists now The leftist website Huffington Post tells us that American conservatives...
Shock report: Government rules against spying on Americans aren’t rules at all Posted on July 26, 2017 by Sam Rolley 7 Shares It isn’t getting much attention because of the ongoing turmoil in Washington– but a report out this week reveals the government is majorly abusing...
"Why the Rust Belt just gave Donald Trump a hero’s welcome" - Salena Zito, in the New York Post Last night in Youngstown, Ohio, the “town was on fire,” writes Salena Zito, in the New York Post. Preparing for the President’s...
Dixie-cide Posted on July 10, 2017 by The Abbeville Review 318 Shares This article was originally published on The Abbeville Blog on June 29, 2017. Modern progressives are just as evil in their bloodlust against the South as were William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Sheridan. Today’s leftists may not...
Republicans control Washington. But at two Denver gatherings, some conservatives aren’t happy. The single biggest source of conservative angst: Congress’ inability to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Gabriel Scarlett, The Denver...
Democrats re-invent with a dumb new slogan Posted on July 10, 2017 by Sam Rolley 77 Shares Democratic leaders are evidently figuring out that criticizing President Donald Trump’s tweets and fantasizing about Russian secret agents camped out in the Lincoln Bedroom aren’t helping them regain power...
House advances bill to help stop IRS from stealing Americans’ money Posted on July 14, 2017 by Sam Rolley Bipartisan legislation that would place new limits on when the Internal Revenue Service is permitted to seize money in taxpayer bank accounts got approval in...
Kid Rock may be running for Senate… and that’s a good thing Posted on July 14, 2017 by Sam Rolley It turns out rock-rap musician Robert James Ritchie, better known as Kid Rock, wants to be more than a cowboy, baby. The self-proclaimed “American...