Ben Shapiro / @benshapiro /
#twill #tcot #cluture #tradition #sbalich @danproft @tomilahren #purge
Written by Eleanor Krasne /
#media #tcot #twill #sbalich #race #hate #politicallycorrect @danproft
Written By Jarrett Stepman / @JarrettStepman /
A man dressed as Abraham Lincoln protests on June 2 in Washington, D.C. Radicals are threatening to tear down a statue...
David Harsanyi / @davidharsanyi /
Mainstream media is cooperating with efforts to ban certain words from the English language. Using the term "thug" to describe violent members of...
#twill #deepstate #sbalich #twill #tcot #maga #leadright #media @danproft...
#deepstate #maga #Flyn #sbalich #Russiagate #Mueller #Democrat #treason #election @danproft @tomilahren ...
Democrats to push reparations after the November Election
Jarrett Stepman / @JarrettStepman / Daily Signal
#twill #tcot #leadright #maga #sbalich #patriotism #indoctrination @danproft ...
#twill #maga #leadright #sbalich #Blackhistory #Success @danproft
Insults to Black History
Written by...
Crimes against Humanity - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich | THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC
The PrisonerDr. Fuellmich announces an International network...