Posted on December 9, 2016 by Bob Livingston Law to require standing for the National Anthem; India now has one The nation of India continues to slide toward a full-fledged police state in the wake of the government’s crackdown on cash,...
slb SERVICE LAW BOOKS MENU IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT Updated Through February 2013 Acronyms used in footnote text INA: TITLE I ACT 101 Definitions ACT 102 Applicability of Title II to certain...
Posted on December 1, 2016 by Bob Livingston The teeth of the beast I began publishing my monthly newsletter The Bob Livingston Letter™ (subscription required) in 1969. The following appeared in the December 1997 issue. Way back then I was alerting...
It’s High Time the US Peacefully Mends Ties with Russia. Here’s Why With Putin reaching out to Trump, it is imperative the U.S. takes steps to avoid confrontation with Russia, end the bloody civil war in Syria, and help create...
Posted on December 1, 2016 by Bob Livingston Teetering on the precipice of WWIII   The Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton-instigated war on Syria leaned way over the precipice toward World War III earlier this week when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan let slip...
Garry McCarthy, Former Chicago Police Superintendent, joined Dan Proft & Amy Jacobson to discuss the 737 murders and 4,000 shootings in Chicago so far this year. He reminded Proft & Jacobson that murders and shootings were at an all time low...
Who’s behind the war on cash? It’s the usual suspects Posted on November 28, 2016 by Bob LivingstonViews: 4,987 249 Shares There is little more destructive to the health, wealth, happiness, well-being and liberty of the populace than when the government makes policy...
 By Austin Berg Mike Madigan is the longest-serving House speaker in Illinois history. He controls the legislative map, the legislative process and a property tax law firm that makes millions in Cook County. But should House Democrats elect Madigan as speaker of the House for the...
NOVEMBER 27, 2016 JOHN C. CALHOUN SMILES: On the same day last week that Donald Trump nominated noted immigration hawk Sen. Jeff Sessions for Attorney General, New York City declared that it would stick to its “sanctuary city” policy—setting up a...
Posted on November 28, 2016 by USCCA Now, Black Guns Matter Murder is big business in Philadelphia. Last year, 280 corpses went to the morgue, as murder and non-negligent manslaughter. Law enforcement struggles to contain ethnically-based crime syndicates: an Italian-American crime...