Are we witnessing a worldwide “Hijrah” (i.e., jihad by emigration)? DECEMBER 9, 2015 BY BOOKWORM I got an interesting email. I cleaned up the formatting, but otherwise replicate it here precisely as I received it: What is a Hijrah? (Why do I...
Professor: Take Granny’s Gun FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 2016  From NRA Institute http:// Gun ban advocates, knowing their goals aren’t especially popular with the American people, have in recent years tried to couch their agenda in more innocuous-sounding terms. They don’t want to ban...
  Liar, Liar: More bad news for Clinton Posted on August 19, 2016 by Sam Rolley Senate Foreign Relations Committee holds a hearing on Benghazi in Washington, DC As Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton continues making excuses about her private email server at...
Posted on August 19, 2016 by Becky Akers Principles are principal Anyone who follows the misadventures and machinations of Obummercare must chuckle at reports about it. Leftists inevitably praise the system as successful, however obvious its failures, while those on the...
Why the Republican Neo-Conservatives Really Support Hillary ADDTHIS SHARING BUTTONS 5061221 Blog/2016 U.S. Presidential Election Posted Aug 15, 2016 by Martin Armstrong QUESTION: Marty; It is clear that the Republican elite support Hillary over Trump and of course the press with every story is...
Wilson v. Cook County is Not Dead David A. Lombardo Contrary to what you may have heard, Wilson verses Cook County, the challenge to Cook County's Blair Holt Assault Weapons Ban, is not dead. As an expert witness attached to the...
I'm excited to announce our THIRD District Tour event for this summer!  I'm inviting constituents to join me for free pizza and soft drinks this Wednesday.  It's a great opportunity for us to come together and make our community better, discuss...
Hillary Clinton's Probable Diagnosis Intro:   Hillary Clinton (HRC) has suffered a variety of health issues. Unfortunately, she has declined to make her medical records public. In July of 2015 her personal physician released a letter asserting her "excellent physical condition."...
Illinois Comptroller Leslie Munger announced on Aug. 17 a “No Budget, No Pay” bill that would link the salaries of state lawmakers to one of their most important duties: passing a balanced budget. Under Munger’s proposal, Illinois lawmakers would need...
Tim Mapes, House Speaker Mike Madigan’s chief of staff, embarked on an interesting challenge last week. Mapes spoke in Chicago as part of a panel the National Council of State Legislatures, or NCSL, sponsored. He was slated to speak not...