US election shocker: is this how the vote will be rigged? Aug1by Jon Rappoport US election shocker: is this how the vote will be rigged? Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers by Jon Rappoport August 1, 2016   As we know, there...
MY BATTLE WITH CHRISTIAN MEDIA ABOUT TRUMP Exclusive: James C. Dobson on 1-sentence remark regarding nominee's 'conversion'  8/3/2016 author-image JAMES DOBSON About | Email | Archive image:   This is the first opportunity I’ve had to tell you about my consequential trip to New...
You and I knew Illinois’s political system was broken. But I have to admit it’s even worse than I thought – and that’s saying something because I thought it was pretty bad. You supported me because I said I was...
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s newly-announced running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, has a history of embracing Islamists. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect; and...
The Wages of Kaine Editorial of The New York Sun | July 23, 2016 Can it be a coincidence that of all the millions of Americans Secretary Clinton could have picked as her running mate, she chose, in Senator Kaine, one...
Contact: Mary Kate Knorr Phone: 815-768-9632 Email: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Khouri Releases Terrorism Video, the First of Issue-Focused Video Series Khouri will release videos on issues that matter to 11th district voters.   (AURORA, IL) - Tonia Khouri, candidate for Illinois' 11th Congressional district, released...
War on Taxpayers: AFSCME Threatens to Strike By Pat Hughes   Last week, Democrats gathered in Philadelphia for their national convention. Among other things, they extolled the virtues of organized labor and government workers. This week, voters in Illinois are facing a...
BREAKING: Did Hillary Arm Terrorists? 08/03/2016 Source: National Review by: Andrew McCarthy   As U.S. armed forces attack ISIS in Libya, WikiLeaks is poised to remind us that ISIS is in Libya — indeed, that ISIS is ISIS — thanks...
Obama Commutes Former Joliet Offender's Prison Sentence The 46-year-old woman was originally sentenced to 240 months in prison. She'll be released in 2018. By Scott Viau (Patch Staff) - August 3, 2016 2:49 pm ET WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Barack Obama...
The Will County Republican Central Committee Presents Our Annual Lincoln Day Dinner 2016 "Honoring Legends and Leaders of Illinois” Wednesday, August 10, 2016 6:00 Chairman’s Reception 7:00 Dinner & Program Bolingbrook Golf Club 2001 Rodeo Drive, Bolingbrook Featuring Illinois Leaders  Governor Bruce Rauner Congressman Randy Hultgren Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti Comptroller...