On Monday I was honored to speak on the main stage in Cleveland and address millions of Americans about the future of America and the youth of this country. It was a tremendous honor and I hope you will take...
BIGOT-BAITING by R. R. Reno  August 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaBWPUNe3VY I can’t imagine a policy more irrelevant to the problems facing our society than bathroom privileges for transgender students. The bottom half of American society is collapsing. Voters are revolting against establishment candidates, casting doubt on...
  Heather MacDonald has been writing about the Obama administration’s war on cops for several years, and she has a new book out on the subject. It is not accidental or happenstance  that police are being assassinated in large numbers...
“Over the last six years, the state of Illinois spent about $320 million on illegal immigrants.” — State Rep. Bill Mitchell on Wednesday, April 20th, 2016 in a speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0rSxHlvhLc Did it pay off? Illinois state Rep. Bill Mitchell, R-Forsyth, repeatedly slammed a...
MASSACRE OF COPS IN BATON ROUGE If you didn’t believe Obama wanted a race war before, you better believe it now. July 18, 2016 Matthew Vadum  Frontpage Magazine CLEVELAND -- In what is becoming a depressingly regular occurrence in the Obama era, police...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvTo1k8AgwY&feature=youtu.be Politics Tonight Kicks Off RNC Coverage with Hughes As the Republican National Convention kicked off, IOP Co-Founder Pat Hughes joined Paul Lisnek on CLTV’s Politics Tonight to discuss one of the most controversial candidates and contentious conventions in recent history.
Must Watch VIDEO – Sheriff David Clarke Had Enough With CNN’s Snarky Agitator/Racebaiter Don Lemon… Posted on July 17, 2016 by sundance This confrontation has been a long time coming, and a longer time deserved. Sheriff David Clarke appears on set with Don...
EYE ON THE NEWS The Policeman’s Wife A story seldom told Jack Dunphy July 12, 2016 Public safety As day turns into night, the young mother’s routine proceeds as usual. Her husband, who works the evening shift as a police officer, left home hours earlier,...
Posted on July 15, 2016 by Bob Livingston Rules don’t apply to the Clintons   Fox News is reporting that the FBI has confirmed to Senator Charles Grassley that SHillary Clinton defense attorney James Comey – who doubles as the director of...
Posted on July 12, 2016 by Sam Rolley America chases imaginary monsters while the real ones run the show  Pokémon Go Thousands of young adults throughout the country are currently chasing imaginary creatures around parks and convenience stores because their smartphones tell...