Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a stopgap budget and education funding measure into law late Thursday. After weeks of struggling to come to an agreement, Republicans and Democrats have settled on Senate Bill 1810, which will fund government operations for the next six...
County Board Members can Cary a gun in the County Building with permission of the chief security officer.   There has been discussion of concealed carry in public buildings in Will County since Steve Balich brought forward a resolution he wrote...
  ISRA Thursday Bulletin - June 30, 2016   EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Last week the political pundits, the news media and other big government lovers got a wakeup call they were not expecting, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union (EU)....
Posted on June 27, 2016 by Bob Livingston What’s really behind the ongoing push for gun control? The gun grabbers tell you they want more gun control in order to keep you safe. But that is the Big Lie. If they really...
Term Limits: While Not A Panacea, Quinn & Rauner Advance Worthy Proposals (Part 1) Written by John Biver Former governor Pat Quinn agrees with Bruce Rauner, the guy who made him a former governor, when it comes to term limits. While...
Rebel Pundent U.S. Attorney Responds to Rape by Threatening 1st Amendment Rights June 29, 2016 http:// Current U.S. attorney for Idaho, Wendy J. Olson, threatened Idahoans with federal prosecution if they spread “false or inflammatory information” about the three Muslim boys suspect...
O Kinzinger, Where Art Thou on Mark Kirk? Written by Laurie Higgins In a Chicago Sun Times article, U.S. Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-Rockford) says Donald Trump“needs to begin to act like… someone worthy of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan’s job.” Kinzinger says he agrees “100 percent”...
BREAKING: Official Set to Testify Against Hillary Found Dead   The suspicious circumstances surrounding the death last week of former U.N. President John Ashe had many wondering whether foul play was involved. The New York Post’s Page Six reported that after Ashe was found dead...
  What does it mean? Hopefully, a breakup of the EU and NATO and, thereby, the avoidance of World War III. By Paul Craig Roberts     6/27/2016    American Free Press The EU and NATO are evil institutions. These two institutions are...
By Newt Gingrich - - Friday, June 24, 2016 ANALYSIS/OPINION In a stunning new survey, Matt Towery Jr., head of Opinion Savvy, discovered that a majority of the American people oppose the national security policies of the elites. The implications of this...