Posted on April 7, 2017 by Becky Akers
At cross purposes with the state
As Holy Week begins this Sunday, Christians worldwide will celebrate Jesus Christ’s joyous arrival in Jerusalem. His Passion follows a few days later, when Israel’s rulers arrest...
President Donald J. Trump believes our moral duty to the taxpayer requires us to make our government leaner and more accountable. Today's announcement of his “Comprehensive Plan for Reforming the Federal Government and Reducing the Federal Civilian...
Editors note:
When discussion of raising the Property Tax Levy at local elected Boards begin, B0ard Members are told by staff, Superintendents, and or chairs of the Finance Committee how much money they need. The discussion is rarely if ever...
Nanny Bloomberg vows millions for assault on the 2nd Amendment
Posted on April 10, 2017 by Sam RolleyViews: 1,908
Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg has vowed to spend $25 million through his anti-2nd Amendment Everytown for Gun Safety group to derail...
Illinois needs to end the third-party payer problem for teacher pensions From Illinois Policy April 2017
Illinois has a $74 billion debt hole for teacher pensions, and the third-party payer problem helps explain why.
Illinois’ teacher pension system is structured to allow local...
Sanctuary City Dangers Exposed
April 7, 2017: This Week's Headlines
Documents Confirm that Obama IRS Improperly Targeted Conservatives
JW Exposes Dangerous Criminals Protected by Texas Sanctuary City Policy
Climategate Obstruction Challenged in Court
U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz Addresses Government Oversight Challenges...
Senate Republicans continued to push for a balanced budget with common sense reforms that will put Illinois’ fiscal house in order and create a foundation for future budgeting. This forward-looking approach stands in stark contrast to House Democrats who,...
Illinois has hurt its economy by piling on taxes since the Great Recession From Illinois Policy April 2017
State and local tax hikes in Illinois have hurt economic growth, lowered the standard of living, and contributed to out-migration.
State and local...
Like much of the Rust Belt, Newton is facing difficult economic challenges. But the community continues to stick together.
Liberal icon calls leftist obsession with Russian election claims ‘laughable’
Posted on April 6, 2017 by Sam RolleyViews: 1,820
Famed linguist and polemicist Noam Chomsky said recently that Democrats are becoming an international punchline for obsessing over theories that Russia...