MAY 15, 2013 @ 09:57 AM   Forbes Many observers have pondered if the United States is following the same troubled path as Argentina.  In the 1940s, Argentina’s Juan Domingo Perón used government agencies for political gain and created a...
FUZZY MATH The “Tax the Rich” Delusion of the Democratic Left Ever hear anyone on the left spell out exactly how they're going to pay for Medicare for All, free college, and all the rest? Didn't think so. By Brian Riedl The Democrats’...
ENERGYCOMMENTARY Deroy Murdock /  President Joe Biden announced that the time is now for a June 16 summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin,...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist Steve Balich Editors Note: When the Republicans controlled the House nothing like this was ever even brought up. Conservative could not grasp why the House could not...
Sorry, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but Conservatives Don’t Care About Your Dance Moves Kelsey Harkness Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., gets sworn into the 116th Congress at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 3, 2019. (Photo: Olivier Douliery/ABACAPRESS.COM/Newscom) Kelsey Harkness is a senior news producer...
Are taxes and bans the future of plastic shopping bags in Illinois? by LGIS News Service | Jan 28, 2019 The state legislature adjourned before taking action on Senate Bill 1597, which would require Illinois consumers to pay a 5 cent fee for every...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist By Bob Livingston Americans are an unhappy lot, and they're growing less happy by the year. That's according to the World Happiness Report (WHR) which is...
BREAKING: Obamacare ruled unconstitutional by federal judge… era of forced government health insurance tyranny comes to an end Friday, December 14, 2018 by: Mike Adams Tags: ACA, court decision, health care, health freedom, health insurance, Liberty, obamacare, Trump, unconstitutional (Natural News) In a stunning ruling that’s sending shock waves across the...
France’s Riots Fueled by Anger at Elites, Rich Nolan Peterson / @nolanwpeterson Many Parisians were optimistic that the worst was over after a month of violent protests. (Photo: Nolan Peterson/The Daily Signal) PARIS—The Christmas season is back on track in France’s capital city...
Steve Balich Editors Note: What a great way to get some of their citizens tax dollars back from the Federal Government and at the same time keep Illegals of the street while they wait to be deported. Illegals are...