Steve Balich Conservative Activist By Bob Livingston Americans are an unhappy lot, and they're growing less happy by the year. That's according to the World Happiness Report (WHR) which is...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist Steve Balich Editors Note: We all need to remember the Global New World Order pushed by Socialist will only be good for the people on the top...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist More of the same: Democrats Re-Elect Madigan as Speaker In what will go down as the most predictable vote...
House Dems move to make raising taxes easier by Paul Bedard Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives this week have already proposed a change in rules to make it far easier to raise taxes. The rule change, according to an analysis...
Sorry, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but Conservatives Don’t Care About Your Dance Moves Kelsey Harkness Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., gets sworn into the 116th Congress at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 3, 2019. (Photo: Olivier Douliery/ABACAPRESS.COM/Newscom) Kelsey Harkness is a senior news producer...
Here Are Trump’s Largest ‘Energy Dominance’ Actions of 2018 Tim Pearce / @timbpearce President Donald Trump signs an executive order on energy in the Roosevelt Room at the White House. (Photo: Eric Thayer/UPI/Newscom) President Donald Trump has pushed his administration toward “energy dominance”...
Steve Balich Editors note:   Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Globalism or...
Are taxes and bans the future of plastic shopping bags in Illinois? by LGIS News Service | Jan 28, 2019 The state legislature adjourned before taking action on Senate Bill 1597, which would require Illinois consumers to pay a 5 cent fee for every...
  Data from Illinois’ six largest pension systems show 19,158 former government workers collect annual pensions of more than $100,000, costing those systems nearly $2.4 billion combined in fiscal year 2018. Six-figure pensioners enrolled in those systems contributed an average of...
France’s Riots Fueled by Anger at Elites, Rich Nolan Peterson / @nolanwpeterson Many Parisians were optimistic that the worst was over after a month of violent protests. (Photo: Nolan Peterson/The Daily Signal) PARIS—The Christmas season is back on track in France’s capital city...