Posted on December 27, 2016 by Sam Rolley Obama’s last ditch effort to derail Trump deregulation President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to walk back Obama administration environmental regulations to make U.S. industry more competitive—but President Obama is forging ahead to finalize...
Illinois Policy 12/5/2016 Real reform to help overtaxed Illinoisans – such as a property-tax cap and aggressive government consolidation – would be the gift that keeps giving the whole year round. 2016 was a tough year for the owners of 671...

Posted on December 20, 2016 by Brandon Smith Federal Reserve is now initiating the economic end game For years, alternative economic analysts have been warning that the “miraculous” rise in U.S. stock markets has been the symptom of wider central bank...
Indiana Approves Income Tax Reduction Share Tweet LinkedIn May 14, 2013 By Joseph Henchman Indiana Governor Mike Pence (R) last week signed into law the state’s 2014-15 two-year budget. The approved budget keeps spending increases below inflation and cuts the...
On Vacation, Donald Trump Announces 8,000 New Jobs for the United States CHARLIE SPIERING  28 Dec 2016  Breitbarth President-elect Donald Trump personally announced this evening that he had just heard from Sprint and OneWeb that they had plans to bring more jobs...
After receiving incentives and abatements guaranteed by state and local taxpayer dollars, Amazon announces two new facilities in Aurora. Amazon, the internet retail goliath valued at $250 billion, is about to get to get a big Christmas present from Illinois...
Posted on December 22, 2016 by GS Early It pays to be a contrarian I was taught by contrarians before me that when the press — especially financial press — starts talking about one thing, it’s time to look to do...
December 13, 2016  Illinois Policy Illinois has had the nation’s highest black unemployment rate for 15 months in a row. Illinois has maintained the horrible distinction of having the nation’s highest black unemployment rate for the 15th month in a row,...
10 Ways Donald Trump Can Cut Waste - Our Advice From Adam Andrzejewski ,   Donald J. Trump won the presidency by giving real hope to millions of voters that their situation could improve. Now he and Congress have a...
December 15, 2016  Illinois Policy Metra CEO Don Orseno is set to receive a pay increase a month after Metra’s fare hike. Metra CEO Don Orseno has just been given a raise to the tune of $28,000. The Metra board unanimously...