Posted on November 21, 2016 by Bob Livingston
How do we rediscover freedom and truth?
Back in May, I warned my Bob Livingston Alerts readers about the real purpose of any election, and my warnings are coming to fruition.
Agents of the...
Brendan Reilly, alderman for the 42nd ward in Chicago, has a real estate lobbyist, Madeline Doering, as his effective Chief of Staff. Doering represents some of the largest real estate developers in the city, including Wirtz Realty and Fishman...
PANIC: Gold selling for $2,800/oz in India
By Luke Burgess
Written Monday, November 21, 2016
Gold is selling for $2,800 an ounce in India...
Chaos has broken out.
Millions of Indian citizens are scrambling to convert their now banned...
Posted on November 14, 2016 by Sam Rolley
Trump is right about NATO
Time Magazine on Monday wondered aloud, “Can NATO survive a Donald Trump presidency?” Millions of Americans hope that it can’t, at least not in its current state.
Time, referencing...
Posted on November 14, 2016 by Ron Paul
Memo to the next administration: Defense spending must be for actual defense
In a disturbing indication of how difficult it would be to bring military spending in line with actual threats overseas, House...
Posted on November 15, 2016 by Brandon Smith
World suffers from Trump shell shock — here’s what will happen next
I’ve been saying this for a long time, and I’ll say it again here — in life there are only two...
Donald Trump’s newly named chief strategist and senior counselor, Steve Bannon, laid out his global nationalist vision in unusually in-depth remarks delivered by Skype to a conference held inside the Vatican in the summer of 2014.
Well before victories for...
New IRS data show taxpayers who left had an average income of $77,000 per year, compared with taxpayers who entered Illinois, who had an average income of $57,000 per year.
Not only did Illinois lose tens of thousands more taxpayers...
llinois is one of only eight states that do not enforce food-stamp work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents. But reinstating work requirements would benefit Illinois food-stamp enrollees as well as state and local economies.
Welfare programs such as food...
By Dan Ptoft 11/14/2016
Trump won 91 of Illinois' 102 counties to Romney's 79. This should be noted by ILGOPers who suggest and behave as if Trump is the name that shan't be spoken: we can't lead the revolt from...