Steve Balich Editors Note:I am against the New Municipal Property tax voted in by Village Trustee's Rodgers, Caprio, Gray, and Backel, which will be imposed on residents of Homer Glen....
Steve Balich Conservative Activist By Bob Livingston Americans are an unhappy lot, and they're growing less happy by the year. That's according to the World Happiness Report (WHR) which is...
BREAKING: Obamacare ruled unconstitutional by federal judge… era of forced government health insurance tyranny comes to an end Friday, December 14, 2018 by: Mike Adams Tags: ACA, court decision, health care, health freedom, health insurance, Liberty, obamacare, Trump, unconstitutional (Natural News) In a stunning ruling that’s sending shock waves across the...
Homer Township Republican Candidates for the April 6th Election These Candidates are endorsed by the Homer Township Republican Org. for the April 6, 2021 Election
Steve Balich Editors Note: If we allow States to allow illegals to vote, we are allowing non-citizens to have an equal say in our elections as citizens. Illegals, in many cases have more rights than citizens. This...
By Bob Livingston Modern mind control is a very sophisticated process that prepares the public mind to act in support of "the system" at the expense of the individual and personal privacy and liberty. We write about this often because...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist Steve Balich Editors note: This was an opinion sent to me that shows how many people feel about President Trump. I Agree with what is said...
Rep. Casten's call for Trump impeachment inquiry a self-serving media play, Will County GOP says by Glenn Minnis | Jun 27, 2019  President Donald Trump Will County Board member Steve Balich is at a loss in trying to understand Illinois state Rep. Sean Casten’s (D-Downers...
Why Google’s extreme bias against conservative content is even more dangerous than communist China’s police state censorship Thursday, December 06, 2018 by: Vicki Batts Tags: authoritarianism, bias, Big Tech, Censorship, communist China, conservatives, dangerous tech, free speech, Glitch, Google, information control, Left-wing, liberals, Liberty, police state, privacy watch, surveillance, tech giants, technocrats, thought police, Tyranny (Natural News) Big Tech’s slow drift into full blown...
House debate devolves into death wishes By Greg Bishop | Illinois News Network Watch Video A Democratic lawmaker wished legionella on the family of a Republican lawmaker during debate on a veto override attempt of legislation that would increase the cap...