Why Google’s extreme bias against conservative content is even more dangerous than communist China’s police state censorship Thursday, December 06, 2018 by: Vicki Batts Tags: authoritarianism, bias, Big Tech, Censorship, communist China, conservatives, dangerous tech, free speech, Glitch, Google, information control, Left-wing, liberals, Liberty, police state, privacy watch, surveillance, tech giants, technocrats, thought police, Tyranny (Natural News) Big Tech’s slow drift into full blown...
Why Are the Democrats Obsessed With Open Borders? News Commentary By Stephen Janiszak | December 6, 2018 5:00PM “Breaking News! Trump Tear Gases Women and Children at the Southern Border!” While that couldn’t possibly be further from the truth, it was basically the emotional headline that...
Tom Fitton: Mueller Operation has Benefitted from “Collusive Efforts” by Fusion GPS and Clinton Tom Fitton: Mueller Operation has Benefitted from “Collusive Efforts” by Fusion GPS and Clinton DECEMBER, 2018 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5Ixf05vaJc] December 4, 2018- JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Fox and...
By Lisa Bourne 6-year-old boy forced to live as a girl while mom threatens dad for not going along  Anne Georgulas, Jeffrey Younger, Parental Rights, Save James, Texas, Transgenderism DALLAS, Texas, November 28, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A six-year-old Texas boy is being dressed and presented as a girl...
FUZZY MATH The “Tax the Rich” Delusion of the Democratic Left Ever hear anyone on the left spell out exactly how they're going to pay for Medicare for All, free college, and all the rest? Didn't think so. By Brian Riedl The Democrats’...
Steve Balich Editors note:  You ask why the unfunded pension liability is out of control, and the answer is Total Democrat Control. The Future of our Country and our State are at risk of demise due to decisions by...
JW On Issue: Uncovering Corruption in the Mueller Inquisition November 29, 2018 Government corruption doesn’t end with a change in administrations. The DOJ is protecting the Mueller probe–and Mueller is operating without proper oversight. That’s where Judicial Watch comes in… [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHp02DOnP9g?feature=oembed] RELATED...
Balich 'appalled' that Dems might cancel board meeting prayers by Glenn Minnis | Nov 30, 2018   The Will County Gazette Will County Board member Steve Balich read that county Democrats, who now hold a 24-12 majority on the board, might want to do away...
"I'm Not Going To Agree That I Lied": Corsi Rejects Mueller's Plea Deal, Plans To Sue by Tyler Durden Mon, 11/26/2018 - 14:22 3.8K Roger Stone associate Jerome Corsi said on Monday that he is refusing to sign a plea deal offered by special...
Written By Steve Balich 11/25/2018 Quotes from the Farmers Weekly November 14th issue By Nick Reiher Democrats now have a 14 to 12 majority on the Will County Board. Denise Winfrey Democrat from Joliet is excited to Lead Will County Board....