Angry protesters wreak havoc on St. Louis overnight following cop’s aquittal
Posted on September 15, 2017 by Sam Rolley
Protesters associated with Black Lives Matter and other groups took to the streets within hours of a judge’s decision to acquit...
Here's an interesting historic fact that would seem to indicate that many,
if not most, of the people we elect to go to Washington
don't have the slightest idea of what laws already exist.
I did not know of...
American Minute with Bill Federer
Sept. 11-Attacks at Malta, Vienna, Zenta, WTC, Benghazi
SEPTEMBER 11, 1565: Sultan Suleiman the Magnificentdominated the Mediterranean, with intentions of not only invading Sicily, Sardinia, Majorca, and southern Spain, but Rome itself.
The only thing standing in...
Deep State covered for Clinton… and it still is
Posted on September 1, 2017 by Sam Rolley
Thanks to revelations out from two GOP senators this week, we learned what we already knew: Former FBI Director James Comey never had any intention to thoroughly...
Parents Pull Their Kids From Prestigious School After Transgender ‘Indoctrination’ In Kindergarten
California’s Rocklin Academy has a long waiting list for admissions, but that isn’t stopping some parents from pulling their children out of the prestigious charter...
Good morning. Welcome to The Daily Dispatch – A roundup of the day's top international news stories. Follow the Foreign Desk & Editor-in-Chief Lisa Daftari on Twitter @LisaDaftari for continuous updates & breaking stories throughout the day.
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By: Andy Byars, Turning Point USA at ISU President
On Tuesday, August 29th, I led Turning Point USA at Illinois State University’s first chapter meeting for the semester. We recapped our successes from the 2016-2017 school year with new...
"The American Spirit is Alive in Texas"
- Peggy Noonan in The Wall Street Journal
Peggy Noonan in The Wall Street Journal, writes in the face of disaster, the citizens of Texas are selflessly holding the line. She pleads for politicians to “give...
Why no one should cheer tech company efforts to stifle online free speech, no matter how vile
Posted on August 25, 2017 by Electronic Frontier Foundation
Recent decisions by technology companies, especially “upstream” infrastructure technology companies, to drop neo-Nazis as customers have captured public...
Different country, different century, same scam
Posted on August 25, 2017 by Becky Akers
Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. And unfortunately, most Americans know little of their own country’s and nothing of the world’s. Ergo, they don’t recognize that...