"American Genius Is Under Attack From China"
- Wilbur Ross in Financial Times
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross writes in the Financial Times that the “American patent system and the American genius it protects are under serious attack” as countries like China steal...
Venezuela: Dictatorship, collapse and consequence
Posted on August 8, 2017 by Brandon Smith
If you want to outline the numerous failures of ideological and economic socialism, just name any socialist nation and you are sure to uncover an endless supply of examples. In fact,...
Trump’s two front war: Washington and North Korea
Posted on August 14, 2017 by Sam Rolley
President Donald Trump last week sent a message to two entrenched and belligerent regimes currently stymieing his ability to make America great again via his ambitious domestic agenda....
Steve Balich Editors Note: Obama care is going up in flames because of increased costs for less service and lack of insurance providers. We were told we could keep our doctors and save $2500 dollars which all turned out...
Welcome to 1600 Daily's Meet the Cabinet series, where we showcase members of President Trump's Cabinet.
President Trump and Secretary Shulkin announce Veteran telehealth initiatives designed to provide greater access and care
President Trump and Secretary Shulkin announced...
Donald Trump, distractor-in-chief?
Posted on August 8, 2017 by Sam Rolley
Conservative political commentator Laura Ingraham marveled Monday that, just 200 days into his first term, President Donald Trump has accomplished a pretty good bit in spite of “the 24/7 media onslaught against him.”...
"GOP Leaders Should Welcome Trump Move to End Congress's Obamacare Bailout"
- Phil Kerpen, American Commitment
Yesterday, Phil Kerpen at American Commitment urged GOP leaders to welcome the President's "move to end Congress’s Obamacare bailout." If the President reverses the Office of Personnel...
"Trump Vows U.S. Will ‘Win’ Fight Against Opioid Crisis"
- Ali Vitali and Corky Siemaszko, NBC News
NBC News reports President Donald Trump vowed yesterday that “the U.S. would ‘win’ the battle against the heroin and opioid plague,” and promised to...
Here Is The Alias Email Account Loretta Lynch Used As Attorney General
9:32 AM 08/07/2017
Like her predecessor, Eric Holder, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used an email alias to conduct government business, The Daily Caller has confirmed.
Several of Lynch’s...
Collapsing America
Posted on August 7, 2017 by Bob Livingston
Throughout the history of civilization, empires rise and then fall.
Although the final stages of collapse can be rapid and violent, the actual collapse is gradual and occurs over years and decades. Because of gradualism,...