ELECTRIC CARS Georgia Is Shoveling Cash Into a Failing Electric Vehicle Company In 2021, the state of Georgia made an expensive bet on an unproven company that could be headed...
The Fed is acknowledging a recession looks more likelyIllustration: Sarah Grillo/AxiosThere has been a bit of a wink-and-nod act by Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell over the last year, making gradually more...
By  Ben Zeisloft Steve Balich Editor Note: I have no problem with FDIC paying $250,000 that is the cap for what the government insures. My problem is payments over that...
 THE RUINATION OF CHILDREN The Ruination of Children BY CHRISTINE BLACK  MARCH 7, 2023  PHILOSOPHY, PUBLIC HEALTH  11 MINUTE READ https://play.ht/embed/?article_url=https://brownstone.org/?p=20781&voice=en-US-SaraNeural&appId=XCST8pha_y_&trans_id=-NPwkI3yzsx3h5GhIU-r
CAN WE STILL TRUST THE DOCTOR? Posted on March 22, 2023 by steveba2103 CAN WE STILL TRUST THE DOCTOR? Can We...
The Failure of American Conservatism & the Road Not Taken By Claes G. Ryn|March, 2023|Categories: Books, Conservatism It is today widely acknowledged that conservatism is in...
State task force boosts reparations figure to $360K for each black Californian By  Katherine Donlevy March 4, 2023 12:14am   
If you can never escape, why would you want to live there in the first place? By Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore Journal Editorial Report:...
39 States Mandated Masks. Now a New Study Shows Masks Don’t Work. Katrina Trinko / @KatrinaTrinko / 
Follow the Money M. E. Boyd 2/21/2023 "If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic should become...