The FBI has refused to declassify 37 pages of materials related to the Uranium One deal, citing national security and the privacy issues, reports The Hill's John Solomon. The documents are thought to contain information regarding then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's...
Everything the Left believes is complete fiction… “mass hallucinations” are now the bedrock of left-wing politics November  2018 by: Mike Adams Tags: delusions, fairy tales, fantasy, fiction, left cult, Liberal Mob, lunatics, mass hallucinations, stupid (Natural News) Listening to the daily hysteria of the left-wing media is a lesson in just how...
Professor Thinks Banning These Words Would Fix Free Speech on College Campuses Kelsey Harkness / @kelseyjharkness "Professors who hold unpopular positions or state inconvenient facts are now considered psychologically toxic," says Amy Wax, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School....
Greeting from Tactical Security Institute (TSI ) Training,   The Illinois Concealed Carry Permit will soon hit its five year anniversary.  As we discussed in our original training, a re-certification training class is a requirement to renew your license. The requirement is that you...