Canadian government says anyone giving birth to live humans is a threat to the planet… promotes abortion and infertility Wednesday, December 12, 2018 by: Ethan Huff Tags: abortion, badclimate, badscience, Canada, CBC, CBC News, children, climate change, depopulation, Donald Trump, emissions savings, environment, Environmental Research Letters, eugencis, geoengineering, Georgia Guidestones, global warming, globalist, hyposcrisy, immigrants, Infertility, population control, University of British Columbia (Natural News) The Canadian...
A Judicial Watch Exclusive:​ ICYMI – The Real Story Behind the Illegal Alien Invasion In view of the mounting tension – and the mainstream media’s mounting complicity… As thousands of militant, illegal alien invaders storm our border… I absolutely do NOT want you...
DHS: 110 percent surge in migrant men using kids to enter US, 'rampant fraud' by Paul Bedard Educated on a legal loophole that lets migrant “families” with kids enter the United States, the Homeland Security Department reported Tuesday that men showing up...
  Data from Illinois’ six largest pension systems show 19,158 former government workers collect annual pensions of more than $100,000, costing those systems nearly $2.4 billion combined in fiscal year 2018. Six-figure pensioners enrolled in those systems contributed an average of...
The prospect of Illinois' tollways becoming “freeways” has proven to be an agonizingly slow process that still has not come close to fruition. Read more..
Power hungry DEM socialist Ocasio-Cortez already threatening to use government to silence her critics Monday, December 10, 2018 by: JD Heyes Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Alt-Left, authoritarianism, big government, Congress, Constitution, Democratic majority, democratic socialist, Donald Trump Jr, ignorance, lawbreaker, left cult, meme, oppression, rule of law, subpoena, threat, Tyranny (Natural News) Unfortunately, Americans have far too few expectations when it comes...
  The New China restaurant has served Fox River Grove residents since 1975, when William Gee’s parents brought their business to the northwest Chicago suburb. “Good times, hard times, we went through it all,” Gee said. “Everybody’s brother and sister has...
4 Problems With the New Climate Change Report COMMENTARY BY Nicolas Loris@NiconomistLoris Fellow in Energy and Environmental Policy Getty Images Nick is an economist who focuses on energy, environmental, and regulatory issues as the Herbert and Joyce Morgan fellow. If you’re like me, you’re happy...
Steve Balich Editors Note:  Democrats in Congress and the Senate along with the never Trump Republicans to not represent the overwhelming views of the people in the U.S. Illegals should be deported! Refugees from South America if there is...
COMMENTARY Roger Bartel Can you see it? Do you genuinely understand it? Are you aware today’s top Left Leaders are taking you to it? There are those who not only see it, they know it, have lived it, and ran from...