The Statist 'virtue' of inconsistency by Jim Babbka Libertarians think a certain way. For example, we rely a lot on systematic logic. I've got bad news... Non-libertarians don't care as much as you do about consistency, and they're not going to buy your...
Obama’s School Discipline Guidance Could Be Doomed. Here’s Why That’s Great News. Jonathan Butcher  The Obama administration issued guidance that made it difficult for schools to discipline students according to need. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque /Reuters/Newscom) COMMENTARY BY Jonathan Butcher@JM_Butcher Jonathan Butcher is a senior...
Judicial Nominee Tom Farr and the Left’s Smears Written by Joseph A. MorrisPresident Trump’s nomination of my former assistant at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Thomas A. Farr, to be a Judge of the United States District Court for the...
FUZZY MATH The “Tax the Rich” Delusion of the Democratic Left Ever hear anyone on the left spell out exactly how they're going to pay for Medicare for All, free college, and all the rest? Didn't think so. By Brian Riedl The Democrats’...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist More of the same: Democrats Re-Elect Madigan as Speaker In what will go down as the most predictable vote...
Everything the Left believes is complete fiction… “mass hallucinations” are now the bedrock of left-wing politics November  2018 by: Mike Adams Tags: delusions, fairy tales, fantasy, fiction, left cult, Liberal Mob, lunatics, mass hallucinations, stupid (Natural News) Listening to the daily hysteria of the left-wing media is a lesson in just how...
Tom Fitton: Mueller Operation has Benefitted from “Collusive Efforts” by Fusion GPS and Clinton Tom Fitton: Mueller Operation has Benefitted from “Collusive Efforts” by Fusion GPS and Clinton DECEMBER, 2018 [youtube] December 4, 2018- JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Fox and...
We need to re-open America!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cure is worse than the disease #twill #tcot #sbalich #maga @realdonaldtrump #leadright ...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist Steve Balich Editors Note: We all need to remember the Global New World Order pushed by Socialist will only be good for the people on the top...
Supreme Court’s Refusal to Hear Planned Parenthood Case Is a Missed Opportunity Elizabeth Slattery  The Daily Signal The Supreme Court fell one vote shy of the necessary four required to hear the case. (Photo: Sean Pavone/Getty Images) Elizabeth Slattery writes about the...