As everyone is aware the Village of Orland Park had an election this week.  It was a challenging election season for a lot of reasons but the slate of candidates that I supported, People Over Politics, consisting of Bill...
Will County Judicial Committee Meeting April 2, 2019 Discussion of a Resolution in Support of the Second Amendment Failed to move to the Full County Board for a vote. Rachel Ventura D Lockport/ Joliet,   Mimi Cowan D Frankfort,   Tyler Markum D...
The board meeting on Monday went about as I expected.  We approved several items for ongoing operations. I placed a couple of items onto the agenda.  One was for a discussion on HR policy regarding exiting employees.  I wanted to...
I wanted to update everyone on the Monday night board meeting.  The background on this meeting is that Carole Ruzich and her slate, the so-called Orland Integrity Party have been attacking me relentlessly for taking the $150,000 salary that...
Let’s take a stand against Homer Township Fire District tax increase!     A critical vote for Homer Township Fire District will take place in April of this year.  The District is asking the tax payers, yet again, to approve a Capital...
Orland Park Village Board votes to revert mayor to part-time role in 2021 By Jon DePaolis, Freelance Reporter When the April 2021 election rolls around, prospective mayoral candidates for the Village of Orland Park will be campaigning for a part-time position. The Orland Park Village...
Your Children Imagine every child had the opportunity for a great education. Imagine families had the power to send their children to the best schools without worrying about the costs. Last year, Illinois took the first tepid step towards achieving it....
Public Meeting Planned For Proposed 143rd Street Improvements The first segment of this project is tentatively planned for construction in 2020. By Andrea Earnest, Patch Staff | Feb 26, 2019 1:35 pm ET (Image via Shutterstock.) HOMER GLEN, IL — The Will County Division of Transportion will...
Triangle Development Moves Forward This week we had a special meeting regarding the Triangle Development. Structured Development did a very nice job with the presentation.  A lot of residents attended and gave the Village and Structured Development feedback.  We are...
Obama’s School Discipline Guidance Could Be Doomed. Here’s Why That’s Great News. Jonathan Butcher  The Obama administration issued guidance that made it difficult for schools to discipline students according to need. (Photo: Kevin Lamarque /Reuters/Newscom) COMMENTARY BY Jonathan Butcher@JM_Butcher Jonathan Butcher is a senior...