Steve Balich Editor Note: I don't get what the Governor, Senate, and House is thinking!  The illegal immigration is a huge issue costing an over taxed citizenship more and more money in education, healthcare, food stamps, prisons, police, and on...
By Brandon Smith It seems these days like everyone and their gender-fluid grandma has some "profound" insight into the minds and world of men. Men and masculinity are spoken of in sharp tones of fear mixed with disdain, as if... Qanon December 21, 2018 - The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Channel 4 News Published on May 14, 2016 Cathy Newman's full interview with Philosopher Noam Chomsky. From Trump and Clinton, to climate change, Brexit and TPP, America's foremost intellectuals presents...
The Statist 'virtue' of inconsistency by Jim Babbka Libertarians think a certain way. For example, we rely a lot on systematic logic. I've got bad news... Non-libertarians don't care as much as you do about consistency, and they're not going to buy your...
Canadians take to the streets to protest against UN Migration Pact "We will not surrender to the UN" From Free Speech Front Toronto protest against the Global Compact on Migration. People took to the streets all over Canada to protest against the...
Walt Heyer /  #LGBTQ #twill #sports #tcot #sbalich #maga #leadright Scientific studies show that men remain stronger than women, on average, even after...
Illinois Republican House Floor Leader Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield) feels the state is moving backward in its fight to gain control of the debilitating pension crisis. Read more..
On this edition of Against The Current, Senator Ted Cruz sits down with Dan Proft to discuss the lessons he took away from his POTUS run, his assessment of President Trump's performance eight months in, the four policy priorities...
COMMENTARY Roger Bartel Can you see it? Do you genuinely understand it? Are you aware today’s top Left Leaders are taking you to it? There are those who not only see it, they know it, have lived it, and ran from...
Americans Need To Know More About Fusion GPS, Stat Why aren’t Sen. Chuck Grassley’s Judiciary Committee and Rep. Trey Gowdy’s House Government Oversight Committee more aggressively pursuing and subpoenaing Fusion GPS? By Ned Ryun JUNE 28, 2017 For nearly five months, the firm Fusion GPS,...