I rarely write about Hollywood or the film industry, primarily because there is a vast array of analysts and YouTubers in the alternative media that discuss the bizarre behaviors and trespasses of...
Never mind the debacle in Afghanistan, the super-spreader event on Martha’s Vineyard, or the growing number of COVID cases among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The only thing the...
Resources to Fight Tyrannical Vaccine MandatesWritten By James M. Odom Vaccines are not a threat to liberty. However, being forced to submit to taking medicine and/or...
The masters in the dark rooms of Big Pharma know exactly how to conjure up mass fear hysteria so that the people clamor for "treatment." Like the Food and...
Messalina, the third wife of Roman Emperor Claudius, was put to death after publicly marrying a Roman Senator while Claudius was away performing a sacrifice in the neighboring city of Ostia.
By John Kass  Afghanistan has long been the graveyard of empires. And now it’s the resting place of another American fantasy, propagated by the...
“Meggan Renee” Sommerville Hobby Lobby Loses Right to Maintain Sex-Separate BathroomsWritten By Laurie Higgins An Illinois Appellate Court just ruled that Hobby Lobby violated the Illinois...
U.S. News & Politics Daily Caller News Foundation Amazon is planning to open department stores where consumers can purchase a variety of...
One chart tells you much about Chicago’s property tax and its pensions – Wirepoints Quickpoint What’s the impact of Chicago’s pension cost on its...
ISRA Thursday Bulletin - August 19, 2021  Executive Directors MessageRichard Pearson One to the topics few people understand is the new District Map and how it...