Never mind the debacle in Afghanistan, the super-spreader event on Martha’s Vineyard, or the growing number of COVID cases among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. The only thing the...
The masters in the dark rooms of Big Pharma know exactly how to conjure up mass fear hysteria so that the people clamor for "treatment." Like the Food and...
“Meggan Renee” Sommerville Hobby Lobby Loses Right to Maintain Sex-Separate BathroomsWritten By Laurie Higgins An Illinois Appellate Court just ruled that Hobby Lobby violated the Illinois...
Nearly 17,000 Illinoisans told the General Assembly in May they opposed a proposal that would have given the state more authority over private schools, and lawmakers listened.  Then Gov. J.B Pritzker essentially backed those parents...
By Ty & Charlene BollingerAugust 14, 2021 The Associated Press reported today that the Biden Administration is considering “tougher rules” surrounding the experimental...
Documented Duress This form is available in this blog post and on the health page. to any parent/guardian whose student is being forced to wear a facial mask....
Before the proliferation of processed foods and fast foods in our diets, people weren't shaped the way they are today. Just look at a group photo taken in the 1960s and you...
In Colonial America it was common for British soldiers, tax collectors and other representatives of the Crown to obtain a writ of assistance giving them the authority to enter any home, business...
In the International Forecaster, there is this article below.Opportunity for investment and or knowledge...When my friend Chuck told me about this, I was shaking my head. Isn’t xylitol a form of wood...
Ben Shapiro: When Does the COVID-19 Panic End? by Ben Shapiro|Published August 5, 2021ShareTweet Two weeks to slow the spread.