FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: 202-646-5188June 23, 2020 Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing FDA Paid for ‘Fresh and Never Frozen’ Human Fetal Parts for Use In ‘Humanized...
#UFO #twill #tcot #maga #leadright #space @tomilahren @realdonaldtrump Pentagon declassifies Navy videos that purportedly show UFOs
#twill #sbalich #maga #leadright #coronavirus Everyone from President Trump to his "copresidents" Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, are telling us intricate details about the coronavirus pandemic on...
SCIENCE #twill #tcot #leadright #maga #riots #covid-19 #sbalich @tomilahren Businesses are reopening....
Written by Bob LivingstonSynthetic pharmaceutical drugs — what most people think of as "medicine" today — only treat symptoms ad infinitum.Doctors are taught in medical school to do differential diagnoses which almost...
Kevin Pham /  #constitution #twill #maga #Coronavirus #Guidelines #rights #health In an executive order effective April 9,...
Leave a Comment / Uncategorized / Posted By Steve Balich Will You Use This New COVID-19 Surveillance App? Steve Balich Rditor Note: Remember the book Animal Farm by...
Unleash Prosperity HotlineIssue #11 1) Re-Opening Will Save Lives California's Tom McClintock -- a true champion of pro-growth policies and a CTUP favorite -- explodes the smears from the left that reopening puts money...
Horowitz: The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate. Where is the media? Will they ever admit the grave consequences of their...
Illinois Gov. Pritzker oversees release of almost 4000 prison inmates since March 1. See the list… April 30, 2020 The Illinois...