Nanny Bloomberg vows millions for assault on the 2nd Amendment Posted on April 10, 2017 by Sam RolleyViews: 1,908 39 Shares Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg has vowed to spend $25 million through his anti-2nd Amendment Everytown for Gun Safety group to derail...
  WHITE HOUSE MEMO President Donald J. Trump is hosting some of the country's top job creators at the White House today to discuss priorities for five Cabinet Secretaries and their agencies. These meetings will advance the President's goal of creating...
  FEATURED WHITE HOUSE MEMO With the swearing in of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court, President Donald J. Trump will complete one of his most important campaign promises by ensuring the late, great Antonin Scalia is succeeded by...
From Illinois Policy April 2017 Bailout bills moving in the Illinois General Assembly would attempt to turn Illinois’ massive debt problems into guaranteed profits for banks and bondholders and a lower standard of living for other Illinoisans. Illinois Democrats have started...
Illinois’ employment drought There are 170,000 fewer people working in Illinois since before the Great Recession. “I feel like a dog whose owner has died.” Rick Schock was among 800 Caterpillar employees in Aurora that heard news in March of mass layoffs...
Illinois needs to end the third-party payer problem for teacher pensions  From Illinois Policy April 2017 Illinois has a $74 billion debt hole for teacher pensions, and the third-party payer problem helps explain why. Illinois’ teacher pension system is structured to allow local...
  Sanctuary City Dangers Exposed April 7, 2017: This Week's Headlines     Documents Confirm that Obama IRS Improperly Targeted Conservatives JW Exposes Dangerous Criminals Protected by Texas Sanctuary City Policy Climategate Obstruction Challenged in Court  U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz Addresses Government Oversight Challenges...
Bombshell: How far did Obama spying go? The Sharyl Attkisson case Posted on April 7, 2017 by Jon RappoportViews: 1,997 67 Shares During the transition between election and inauguration, Trump associates have phone conversations with foreign leaders. Those conversations are recorded by U.S.... Senate Republicans continued to push for a balanced budget with common sense reforms that will put Illinois’ fiscal house in order and create a foundation for future budgeting.  This forward-looking approach stands in stark contrast to House Democrats who,...
Illinois has hurt its economy by piling on taxes since the Great Recession  From Illinois Policy April 2017 State and local tax hikes in Illinois have hurt economic growth, lowered the standard of living, and contributed to out-migration. State and local...