The prospect of Illinois' tollways becoming “freeways” has proven to be an agonizingly slow process that still has not come close to fruition. Read more..
On Watch: Illegal Immigration & the Migrant Caravan Crisis on the Southern Border In this episode of “On Watch,” JW Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell joins Patricia Cramer, a 14-year veteran of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection...
5G Will Change the World By Monica Savaglia My dad and my brothers have always been tech-savvy people. My dad worked on electronics when he was in the Coast Guard, so of course, he had to know about up-and-coming technologies and electronics... The Republicans took of the House with with a mandate to stop Obamacare funding. They did not even try; as I now see the Democrats stopping the wall with control of only the House. Republicans were told we need...
Power hungry DEM socialist Ocasio-Cortez already threatening to use government to silence her critics Monday, December 10, 2018 by: JD Heyes Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Alt-Left, authoritarianism, big government, Congress, Constitution, Democratic majority, democratic socialist, Donald Trump Jr, ignorance, lawbreaker, left cult, meme, oppression, rule of law, subpoena, threat, Tyranny (Natural News) Unfortunately, Americans have far too few expectations when it comes...
  The New China restaurant has served Fox River Grove residents since 1975, when William Gee’s parents brought their business to the northwest Chicago suburb. “Good times, hard times, we went through it all,” Gee said. “Everybody’s brother and sister has...
Steve Balich Conservative Activist Several people have asked me to provide more background about the People Over Politics team being removed from the ballot.  Additionally, several have asked me to provide...
Steve Balich Editors Note:  While  there are times investigations are necessary, it is illogical to give a prosecutor the ability to go after anything outside of a set parameter. The prosecutor decides the parameters and spends time and money...
The most recent board meeting was shortened due to the events on Monday night.  The remainder of the meeting will be held this Monday at January 28th beginning at 5PM. After being informed of the shooting and that the Village Hall...
Justice Department Investigators Unable to Find Peter Strzok’s Text Messages During Mueller Probe, Report Says Chuck Ross / @ChuckRossDC  The Daily Caller Former FBI agent Peter Strzok's phone used while he was on special counsel Robert Mueller's team passes inspection by a...