Do you suddenly wake at night feeling the need to "go pee"? It's called nocturia, and the reason it happens isn't the one you've been told. Mainstream medicine insists...
Posted on February 26, 2022  Posted by Steve Balich Propaganda is not something that you can take or leave. Constant bombardment of word patterns penetrates the consciousness, rearranging neuron structure....
Have you heard of "Operation 24"? Some refer to it as Russia's 2024 problem — that is the time when Russian President Vladimir Putin will have to step down from his final...
A single step is all it might take. Not running, climbing, biking or lifting weights. All you need to do is step forward a few inches and your Achilles...
Feel sorry for the bullies: Township meeting 2/14/2022 by Rolo Tomacy The Homer Township meeting started at seven o’clock, and it...
America is now under a system that is nothing less than socialism and corporatism, or a watered-down version of the national socialism of Nazi Germany. The lockdowns brought out...
“There was no way for getting over but on a Raft, which we set about, with but one poor Hatchet . . .after a whole day’s work. Half Way over, we...
he smart folks at C.U.R.E. (University Center for Liver Disease Research and Treatment) in Italy came out with some research that standard medicine isn't going to like too much...

Seeing Double Taxes
Foraging your area for edible wild plants is a great way to give your diet variety, to offset the incredibly high cost of produce these days, and it can be fun to...